Sunday, April 30, 2017

What Transportation to Use in Japan

Hi again, dreamers! In this post, I'm gonna share about some transportations in Japan but I'll write in Bahasa. You can find the translate widget on my side bar, fyi ;)
Transportasi menjadi salah satu hal penting yang harus disiapin sebelum travel ke Jepang. Seperti yang kita ketahui emang di Jepang itu kebanyakan memakai public transport. Jadi kebayang kan, ribetnya kalau nggak research sama sekali sebelum ke sana? Biar lebih enak bacanya, aku bakal membagi transportasi ini ke 2 tipe: jarak jauh dan jarak dekat. Jarak jauh itu maksudnya harus pindah kota misalnya Tokyo-Osaka dll, dan jarak dekat itu transportasi di dalam satu kota, misalnya dari Shibuya ke Ueno gitu. 

Untuk perjalanan jarak jauh selama travel di Jepang, misalnya dari Tokyo ke Osaka, Kyoto ke Tokyo, dan sebagainya, ada beberapa alternatif transportasi yang bisa digunakan, diantaranya:
1. Pesawat
Pesawat adalah salah satu jenis transportasi yang paling cepet sih buat pindah kota. Harga tiket pesawat juga bisa aja lebih murah daripada tiket shinkansen, jadi wajib banget research dulu sebelum memutuskan mau pake transportasi apa. Nah, kaya yang pernah aku bahas sebelumnya, HIS itu nyediain paket HAnavi yang bisa kamu pake untuk pindah-pindah lokasi di dalam Jepang. HANAVI ini bisa kamu beli secara online di HISGO.

2. Shinkansen
Belum ke Jepang deh kalau belum ngerasain naik shinkansen! Kereta cepat ini bisa membawa kamu dari Tokyo ke Osaka hanya dalam waktu sekitar 3 jam, yang tentunya kalau pake kereta biasa atau transportasi lainnya akan memakan waktu lebih lama. Harga shinkansen dari 1 kota ke kota lain terbilang cukup mahal sih, bisa sekitar 1jutaan gitu. Jadi, kalau rencana liburan di Jepang kamu itu meliputi beberapa kota (misalnya Tokyo-Osaka, Osaka-Nara, Kyoto-Tokyo, dll) aku saranin beli Japan Rail Pass aja sekalian, karna jatohnya lebih murah (tidak berlaku untuk Nozomi/Mizuho). Dengan catatan kamu travel ke kota berbeda lebih dari sekali ya, yang paling gampang itu patokannya kalo PP Tokyo-Osaka/Kyoto-Tokyo deh, hehe. Dengan adanya JR Pass ini kamu juga bisa naik kereta perusahaan JR apapun dengan gratis ;)

3. Night Bus
Kalau budget kamu nggak memungkinkan untuk naik pesawat atau shinkansen, night bus atau willer bus bisa dijadikan pilihan untuk transportasi jarak jauh di Jepang. Bus ini nggak cuma melayani jam malam sih, tapi kalau kamu naik yang malam, lumayan bisa menghemat penginapan juga 1 malem. Bus ini juga terkenal nyaman untuk tidur kok. Tapi yah, you need around 6-8 hours to reach your destination :))

Jarak Dekat
Di Jepang, orang-orang jarang banget pake kendaraan pribadi, yah mungkin ada sih yang pake mobil, motor, atau sepeda tapi bisa dibilang most of them lebih memilih untuk menggunakan public transportation seperti subway, bus, dll.
1. Subway
Kereta adalah salah satu tranportasi utama di Jepang, kamu bisa kemana pun dengan kereta dan kebanyakan lokasi wisata terkenal punya stasiun terdekatnya, jadi subway bener-bener ngebantu banget buat wisatawan. Ada beberapa perusahaan kereta di Jepang seperti JR, Tokyo Metro, dll dan kalau kita ganti kereta yang perusahaannya beda, beli tiketnya juga beda juga. If you have JR Pass, naik kereta JR line (cth: Osaka loop line, Yamanote line) bakal diitung gratis karena tercover juga sama JR Pass. Sisanya, bisa dibeli ketengan atau memakai IC card pasmo/suica.

2. Bus
Pas di Jepang kemaren sebenernya aku jarang naik bus di Tokyo karena distribusi keretanya udah merata banget, dan the only one time aku naik bus itu nunggunya cukup lama. Lain halnya dengan Kyoto, di sana masih sering banget dibutuhkan bus karena nggak semua tempat bisa ditempuh dengan kereta. Dan fyi, bus di Kyoto itu agak membingungkan, jadi harus rajin-rajin nanya ya ke petugas atau orang-orang lokal ;) Tapi percaya deh, bus di Jepang itu nyaman banget sih, dan tiap kali mau berhenti atau jalan, drivernya bakal ngasih tau gitu. Biar lebih murah, kamu bisa beli One day pass (worth it kalo pindah lebih dari 2 tempat).

3. Sepeda
Jepang itu sepeda-friendly banget! Masih banyak orang-orang di sana yang pake sepeda ke mana-mana, terutama Osaka dan Kyoto. Jarak dari 1 tempat ke tempat lain di Osaka dan Kyoto juga lumayan dekat, jadi rental sepeda bisa jadi pilihan sih. Sekalian menikmati pemandangan dan breeze di sana. Itu salah satu bucket list yang belum kesampean pas di Jepang kemaren T.T

4. Taxi, Uber, etc.

Tentu aja ada taksi atau uber di Jepang, tapi jarang banget jadi pilihan wisatawan soalnya harganya terbilang mahal. Kecuali mepet dan terpaksa banget, orang-orang sama sekali ga mempertimbangkan taksi sih ya biasanya.

5. WALK!
You literally can walk to everywhere in Japan. Yang namanya kaki mati rasa gara-gara jalan udah sering banget aku alamin pas di Jepang kemaren, lol. Soalnya, kadang dari stasiun ke tujuan tertentu jalannya harus 20 menitan gitu. Tapi, nikmati aja karena di sana semuanya indah (okay, itu menurutku), ngelewatin front stores lucu yang bisa difoto untuk stock instagram #yes #priority ;p, dan nggak jarang juga jadi nemuin tempat-tempat lucu seperti taman bermain etc.

6. Cruise
Ada beberapa tempat yang menyediakan cruise untuk membantumu berpindah lokasi atau sekedar menikmati pemandangan di tempat itu, terutama di area danau atau sungai di Jepang. Salah satunya adalah Himiko Cruise yang ada di Odaiba, kapal ini futuristik banget and looks like the one in anime.
Yah, kira-kira begitulah pilihan transportasi yang bisa digunakan di Jepang. If I miss something, kindly tell me on the comment box below! Btw, selain Japan Rail Pass dan HAnavi, HIS melalu online travel agentnya, HISGO juga menyediakan pass selama di Osaka yang memudahkan masalah transportasi kamu, called Osaka City Pass yang bisa untuk naik kereta, bus, dan cruise selama 1 hari di Osaka.
Daaan, untuk tips kecantikan, rekomendasi makeup, dll untuk liburan kamu di Jepang, you can visit Beautynesia ;)

*image credits: click on the images

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Rosegal Wishlist: Black Mini Dress, Heart Sunnies, etc.

こんばんは, dreamers! As you can see from my Instagram, I wear black a lot lately and I think I need a black mini dress. A black mini dress is timeless, super easy to mix and match, and it can also be worn to any ocassion. I found a lot of black mini dress and another cute stuff at so I decided to make a wishlist of my favorite stuff. Scroll on!

Really love this black mini dress. Simple but stunning with those colorful details ;)
I need a cute sunnies for better travel photos. This one is perfect!

I love this tartan off shoulder top, it's girly but not too girly hahaha :))
Isn't the lace details amazing?

I love this embroidery choker so much! It's not your ordinary choker ;p
These are some of my favorites, there are still sooo much of them and I really want them all! You can browse it by yourself from ;) Pssst, they also provide plus size clothing and I think they have a nice collection!

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Short Escape to Pontianak

OOTD short escape to pontianak |
Hi, dreamers! I'm writing this from Pontianak, my hometown. There are some long weekends this month in Indonesia, so I decided to visit my grandparents in Pontianak. Actually all I'm doing here is stuffing my face with all the food here, hahaha. I'm planning to write a post about this short escape after I go back to Jakarta, so please stay tuned! 
short escape to pontianak airport fashion |
Oversized Tee- Stussy // Skinny Jeans- Pull and Bear // Glitter Sneakers- Stradivarius // Backpack- WEGO Japan
short escape to pontianak outfit |
Anyway, here is my airport fashion! I had to go to Depok and Cibubur for shooting yesterday, so it's so hectic and I didn't wash up or change my outfit. Because I don't care ;p I changed my sneakers tho. Jaa ne! See ya on the next post, hopefully soon ;)

Monday, April 17, 2017

My 14 Days Japan Itinerary // Osaka, Kyoto, Tokyo

Japan 14 days itinerary |
Konbanwa! Some of you maybe wait for this post... yes, it's my Japan itinerary! I actually don't really recommend you to go with my itinerary, you will know the reason after you finish reading this lol. I'm not an organized person, my itinerary was not detailed, and in the end I didn't even follow my itinerary, hahaha. Enough of my blabbering, shall we start?

[Day 1] 21 March - Tokyo: Komagome area
Arrived at Narita around 4 or 5 pm, amazed by all little things and ended up spending too much time in airport, lol. I was like, "OMG!!There are A LOT OF gachapon!!!". "OMG!!! Japanese magazine!", "OMG!!! Onigiri!", and the "OMG" goes on. 
Didn't go anywhere that night, it was raining and super cold. I stayed at my first guest house at Komagome area and just went out to buy dinner and strolled around the area.

[Day 2] 22 March - Osaka: Kura Sushi, Osaka Aquarium Kaiyukan, Ferris Wheel, Dotonbori
Japan 14 days itinerary osaka |
Ride a 7 A.M. shinkansen to go to Osaka from Tokyo. It was such a nice experience for me! That morning was freezing but I was soooo happy you can't even imagine :) Arrived at Osaka around noon and I went to my guest house to put my luggage. After that I went to JR Namba to exhange my Osaka Amazing Pass and started my get-lost-alone journey to find the 100 yen sushi, Kura Sushi.
Next I went to the Osaka Aquarium Kaiyukan and ride the ferris wheel too. I passed Umeda Sky Building because of the tight schedule. Last, I went to Dotonbori at night, and it was NOT ENOUGH *cry*

[Day 3] 23 March - Osaka: Osaka Castle; Kyoto
Japan 14 days itinerary osaka castle |
I was supposed to go to Nara after Osaka castle but something unexpected happened. I OVERSLEPT!!! Maybe I was too tired after a long walk on the first day, but I woke up at 9 T.T I ended up enjoying my time at Osaka Castle and sacrifice Nara. Next visit, okay... I went to Kyoto after that and just went to konbini for dinner because surprisingly all of the stores were already closed at 7.....

[Day 4] 24 March - Kyoto: Fushimi Inari, Arashiyama
Japan 14 days itinerary kyoto fushimi inari |
Now you start to know why I said (maybe) you shouldn't follow my itinerary, hahaha. I just went to 2 places in one day! When the others could visit 3 or 4 places. But I need to tell you that I wanted to enjoy that one place to the fullest, that's why. Hehe. 
Japan 14 days itinerary kyoto arashiyama |
Fushimi Inari has been my long life dream place to visit and I finally made it happen. I even trekked to the top ;p I actually wanted to visit Kinkakuji but ended up sacrificing it again for me to enjoy Fushimi Inari. After Fushimi Inari, I went to Arashiyama and rented the kimono there.

[Day 5] 25 March - Kyoto: Kiyomizudera, %Arabica Coffee, Nishiki Market, Kyoto International Manga Museum, Gion
Another must-visit place: Kiyomizudera. I was super sad because it's on renovation but I also found a reason to come back again, right? :) I didn't spend too much time there and went straight to %Arabica coffee. Rushed to the Nishiki Market and turned out IT'S SO BIG AND HEAVEN FOR SHOPAHOLIC!! Again, spent too much time there and rushed to my new guest house and Kyoto International Manga Museum. Ended my day by going to Gion area, ate ramen and satisfied my matcha parfait craving at Nana's Green Tea.

[Day 6] 26 March - Tokyo: Roppongi Hills, Tokyo City View, Akihabara, Shin-Okubo
Japan 14 days itinerary tokyo akihabara |
Arrived at Tokyo and it was raining :( I went to Roppongi Hills to visit Tokyo City View so I could see Tokyo from above (+ Tokyo Tower), but the fog blocked the view *cry* Went to Akihabara at noon for lunch and met my friend there. It was too samui that we decided to leave. We had dinner at Shin-Okuba, a Korea town in Tokyo.

[Day 7] 27 March - Tokyo: Ikebukuro, Harajuku
I was supposed to go to Kawaguchiko to see Mt. Fuji, but it was raining so I wouldn't be able to see mt. Fuji, that's why I decided to cancel it. I still kinda regret it, but I couldn't do anything about the weather, right? Ended up waking up late and went to Ikebukuro to do some shopping- it was a mistake. I SHOPPED A LOT! As if it's not enough, I went to Harajuku- Takeshita Street to stroll around. And I was like...."I really belong here..." HAHAHA. Send my love again to Spinns and Wego!

[Day 8] 28 March - Tokyo: Tsukiji Market, Asakusa, Tokyo Skytree, Shibuya
Visited tsukiji market in the morning and ate a bunch!! It's too crowded with tourist after 9 so I decided to leave and went to Asakusa. It's freakin' crowded and warm! I didn't really enjoy it because all I could see is people. I ate a lot tho, there were a lot of street food stalls there :)) Met my other friend that day and she brought me to the Tokyo Skytree and Shibuya. Another long life dream place checked: Shibuya- Hachiko statue, Shibuya crossing street, and Shibuya 109. FYI, all my obsession over Japan was started because of a manga called "Gals".

[Day 9-10] 29-30 March - Tokyo: Tokyo Disney Sea and Tokyo Disneyland
JUST THE MOST HAPPY TWO DAYS IN MY LIFE!!!! Will tell you more in another post about them ;)

[Day 11] 31 March - Tokyo: Shimokitazawa, day off
I didn't feel well that day and had a cold. Decided to go to Shimokitazawa because I didn't want to waste even one day in Japan. Unfortunately, it was raining and too cold that I couldn't handle it, so after had lunch I decided to go back and move to my new guest house. Didn't have any mood and energy to go anywhere so I spent the night at the guest house.

[Day 12] 1 April - Tokyo: Meguro River, One Piece Tower, Shinjuku
Glad that I decided to go to Meguro River that day because the sakura view WAS BREATHTAKING- even it's not yet full bloom. I won't ever forget the view that day T.T As a big fan of One Piece, the One Piece Tower has been one of my priority in this trip. I really really really enjoyed it, especially the live show T.T Met my friend at Shinjuku, had dinner, and he also showed me around Shinjuku- including the red light area, lol.

[Day 13] 2 April// My birthday - Tokyo: Ueno Park, Harajuku- Takeshita Street, Cat Street, Shibuya
Japan 14 days itinerary tokyo harajuku |
It was my birthday and I officially turned 24 in my dream country :) Didn't have my birthday cake and candles tho. My friend accompanied me that day and took all of my photos there HAHAHA. Thanks, Ran! I spent a lot and in the end of the day, I was super worried about my last 4000 yen lol. Can I survive tomorrow? Something like that :))) 

[Day 14] 3 April: Tokyo - Jakarta
I really didn't want to leave :( TBH, 2 weeks alone there and I never thought about how I want to go back to Indonesia and stuff, hahaha. I ate my last Matsuya for lunch and strolled around the Ueno area, ate mango soft cream (I MISS THEMMM), went to book store. And....leaving for Narita.
That's all for my 14 days Japan itinerary. It's far from perfect (ikr hahaha) but maybe it can help you to arrange your own better itinerary. In my opinion, it doesn't have to be MORE PLACES to go, but HOW YOU ENJOY a place to the fullest so you will not regret anything ;) What's the point of visiting many places just for taking pics tho? 

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

How to Wear a Black Slip Dress // 3 Looks

how to wear slip dress 3 ways |
Hi again, dreamers! I'm back with outfit post (like finally!). It's actually my outfit for the Chinese New Year, I know this is so late but I hope this post still can be helpful for you :)) I've always been a fan of slip dress + t-shirt/sweater combination, that's why I'm so excited to show you how I wear my black slip dress. It's a little too big and I think I need to bring it to the tailor. Then, shall we start? I have 3 looks for you!

1. Lady look: short sleeves sweatshirt + strap high heels + half bun hairdo
how to wear a black slip dress |
how to wear a black slip dress blog |
how to wear a black slip dress outfit |
Stepped out of my comfort zone by wearing heels, note that it's not even wedges anymore! Hahaha. Guess what, sneakers is always the best shoes ;p I wore black for CNY, because I (almost) always wear that color rather than red. If you have girly style, you can try this style. Wear a black slip dress (or whatever the color) with a fit body short sleeves sweatshirt (mine is Paul Frank) and strap heels from Bershka. Complete the look with half bun hairdo to make it more fun.

2. Kawaii look: Watermelon graphic tee + sneakers + cute hairband/bandana
how to wear a black slip dress kawaii look |
This second look was my #officelook, I wore the black slip dress with a cute watermelon graphic tee from Hush Puppies, pair with my go-to sneakers from New Balance. It's the most comfortable sneakers for daily wear, fyi. I think I didn't wash my hair that day, that's why I put my hair in a bun. Yeah, just pretended to be cute by wearing the gingham headband, lol.

3. Casual look: Stripes tee + strap sandals + bandana
how to wear a black slip dress casual look |
Wore this at the day I chopped my hair short. I just realized that all these looks are including head accessories, which is a simple way to make this black slip dress styling look more stylish. For the last look, I wore a stripess tee with black slip dress (obviously) and gold strap sandals for a casual look. This can be an effortlessly stylish outfit for hanging out with friends or having lunch with family. You can also wear this for a summer holiday.
This is it! Which one is your favorite look? Tell me how you wear your slip dress in the comment box below! Hope you enjoy this post and I will try to make more contents like this in the future :)) Jaa ne~

Sunday, April 9, 2017

My preparation for the Japan (Solo) Trip

my preparation for Japan solo trip |
Konnichiwa, dreamers! As I promised (on the instagram), I'm gonna share my preparation for the Japan solo trip. I'm so excited because I CAN FINALLY write about Japan in my blog (which is my ultimate blog goal) and share my experience, tips, great places and food, etc for you guys :))

1. Book the Flight
Yes, obviously a plane ticket. I used Japan Airlines (JAL) for going to Japan, and it's not a promo ticket but the price was okay (IDR 5,7 million). It was actually not really expensive especially for the sakura season. When I paid for the ticket, I felt like crying- not because of the price but it's like...I AM F*CK*NG GOING TO JAPAN!!! I'm thinking about Japan for more than half of my life (lol) and I finally could go there with my own earned money. I suggest you to buy the ticket long before the departure date, it's usually cheaper. You can also try to promo-ticket-hunting at travel fairs, but note that you can never get promo ticket for high season :))

2. Saving Money
One of the reason decided to just buy the plane ticket was for saving money with no choice hahaha. I'm pretty impulsive in buying things so I need a strong reason not to do it :)) I also opened another bank account for the saving. It was quite crazy because I saved more than half of my paycheck + writing fees there, so maybe my friends were tired of hearing my broke-as-hell complain every month ;p

3. Passport and Visa
You can't enter Japan without passport and visa, can you? So, this is another important preparation I made. I actually already had a passport, so I just need to apply for the visa. But when I read the requirements about certain amount on my bank balance, I wasn't sure I could get the visa. That's why I decided to make a new passport, e-passport to be exact. In Indonesia, we can get free visa called waiver visa to Japan as long as we have the e-passport. It costs me around IDR 600.000 to get a new e-passport. After I got my e-passport, I used Dwidaya Tour to help me get the waiver visa (because I'm working on the weekdays) and it costs me IDR 50.000.

4. Itinerary + research
For me, made an itinerary for 14 days was quite a task, hahaha. I did have some places in mind, but dividing them was confusing. In the end I made it, but don't expect a detail one because I'm not a neat and organized person (lol). I will share it to you in my next posts, please be patient and stay tuned :D Note that don't forget to do some research about the place you're going to- the route, time to reach there, transportation, what's special about that place, fee, etc.

5. Book the accomodation
my preparation for Japan solo trip book room |
I tried Airbnb at first but changed it to It's not that Airbnb not good, but I found it more convenient with I booked a room from airbnb but I couldn't know directly if the room was vacant or not, I need to make a request and it's rejected because it turned out the room was already booked. Instead, at I could see either a room was vacant or not, and the plus point is the free cancellation. Will write the details about my accomodation in another post ;)

6. JR Pass, Disney Sea and Disneyland 2 day pass, etc.
my preparation for Japan solo trip disneysea |
I decided to buy JR Pass for my trip because I would travel from Tokyo-Osaka and Kyoto-Tokyo and it'd worth the price. I bought the 7 day pass although my trip was 14 days because after first week I wouldn't go to another city anymore, so 7 day pass was the best choice. Will tell you more about this one in another post (again, hahaha). I bought JR Pass at a travel fair with a promo price, around IDR 3.15 million. Next, I purchase theme park tickets (Disney Resort 2 day pass, One Piece Tower), Osaka Amazing Pass at

7. Wi-Fi router or XL Pass
I was confused to choose wi-fi router or XL Pass. Wi-fi router was quite expensive for 14 days and I was alone so it's kinda a waste. The problem was, I really need the internet connection for maps etc. So my friend offered another option called XL pass; XL is Indonesian network and they offer XL pass to Indonesian traveler, luckily Japan is one of the country that's applied for this pass (softbank). It's half of the price of wi-fi router rental (XL pass: IDR 350.000 + data 16 GB: IDR 90.000 for 30days), but tbh I was kinda doubt the connection quality. In the end I decided to just go for it, turned out the connection was not bad at all. I recommend you to use XL pass when you're traveling abroad, especially when you're alone. If you're going in a group, wi-fi router can be the option because it can be used by 4-5 devices.

8. Clothes
my preparation for Japan solo trip pack clothes |
Please check the weather before pack your clothes T.T I brought light clothes because I thought the weather would be 13++ degrees as usual but it was STILL SUPER COLD! Imagine how I survived with those clothes that can be wear in Indonesia's mall weather, lol. It's the first time I felt like crying (literally) because of cold.

9. Everything I need for my trip
Camera, extra memory, tripod (because I'm alone but still want to take a nice pics, lol), power bank (it's a must especially when you depend on the maps), wire-plugs (because the plugs in Japan is different from Indonesia).
my preparation for Japan solo trip jr pass |
Okayyy, I think that's all! Hope this post can help you planning your trip to Japan :D Will share some tips in another post, hopefully soon, so stay tuned! Jaa ne~

Friday, April 7, 2017

Pilih Maskapai Penerbangan yang Tepat untuk Liburan ke Jepang

Hi! I'm back to write you another post about travel to Japan ;) Aku punya banyak banget cerita dan info-info yang pengen aku bagiin ke kalian, but for this time mungkin aku akan nulis tentang maskapai penerbangan apa sih yang bisa kalian pilih untuk travel ke Jepang. Aku sendiri ke Jepang kemaren naik pesawat Japan Airlines atau JAL. Tapi tentu aja nggak cuma JAL yang bisa kalian pakai untuk ke sana. Ada banyak lho maskapai penerbangan yang bisa membawa kalian ke Jepang. Sebut aja ANA, Garuda Indonesia, Malaysia Airnlines, China Airlines, Thai Airways, dan masih banyak lagi. 

Nah, di mana sih kita bisa membeli tiket pesawat ke Jepang itu? 
Di zaman serba praktis dan modern ini, udah banyak online travel agent yang bisa memudahkan kita dalam pemesanan dan pembelian tiket pesawat ini. Mau penerbangan mewah sampai penerbangan murah (I know the cheaper the better, no? hahaha) bisa kamu pilih sesuai budget. Salah satu travel agent, HIS, menyediakan pemesanan tiket pesawat secara online melalui HISGO. Selain melayani pemesanan online tiket pesawat (domestik dan internasional), HISGO juga ngasih berbagai pilihan transportasi antar kota di negara yang kita kunjungi mulai dari mobil, kereta, hingga pesawat.
Trus, gimana kalau ingin berpindah dari satu daerah ke daerah lainnya di Jepang?
Inget nggak, sama yang aku bahas di postingan-postingan lalu tentang Hanavi? Jadi HISGO juga menawarkan transportasi di Jepang dengan paket penerbangan murah di sekitar Jepang, misalnya ke Okinawa atau Hokkaido. 
Selain paket Hanavi, ada juga yang namanya Japan Rail Pass atau yang dikenal dengan JR Pass, yang tersedia dalam paket 7 hari, 14 hari, dan 21 hari. Untuk JR pass ini, aku akan ngenalin lebih detail di postingan selanjutnya ya!

By the way, dari pengalaman aku liburan ke Jepang, skin care itu penting banget! Soalnya kalo nggak, kulit wajah jadi kering banget gara2 cuaca di sana yang masih dingin. FYI, ada banyak tips-tips seputar kecantikan lho di Beautynesia. Check it out ya ;)

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