Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Kulit Cerah Itu Cantik // Rubiena Brightening Series Review

Dari dulu, aku selalu yakin bahwa penampilan kita dipengaruhi juga sama gimana kondisi kulit wajah. Like people said, perawatan kulit wajah adalah salah satu bentuk investasi penting untuk diri kita yang harus dilakukan sejak dini, karena untuk dapetin kulit cantik dan sehat itu nggak mungkin instan dan butuh proses + kita juga harus telaten. Kulit yang cerah itu cantik, inget ya cerah bukan berarti harus putih, lho. Cerah itu lebih ke gimana kulit kita bisa terlihat bersih, nggak kusam, dan fresh. Beberapa penyebab kulit kusam contohnya: matahari, polusi, AC, dan juga gaya hidup atau lifestyle yang nggak sehat (misalnya merokok, makan junk food, dll). 
Rubiena Beauty, salah satu brand lokal skincare ini juga percaya kalau cantik itu bukan diukur dari warna kulit, tapi dari kulit yang cerah dan sehat. Brand lokal ini diluncurkan oleh PT Millenia Global Industries dan merilis rangkaian untuk mencerahkan kulit, yaitu Rubiena Brightening Series
Walaupun masih termasuk skincare baru, brand lokal ini punya banyak banget keunggulan, yaitu:
✧ Sudah mengantongi izin BPOM, 
✧ Memiliki sertifikat ISO,
✧ Menerapkan sistem GMP,
✧ Tidak mengandung alkohol,
✧ dan tidak mengandung pewarna buatan.
Semua produk Rubiena Beauty tidak mengandung alkohol, pewangi dan pewarna buatan ataupun harsh chemical berbahaya lainnya kecuali Cleansing Lotion karena untuk men'soothe' kulit dan untuk kulit sensitive, sehingga produk ini aman untuk ibu hamil.
Rangkaian Rubiena Brightening Series ini adalah perawatan untuk mengatasi flek yang dapat digunakan dari usia muda hingga dewasa, terdiri dari 6 produk: cleansing lotion, facial wash, softener, day gel, night gel, dan serum. Dua kandungan penting yang ditonjolkan dari rangkaian ini adalah Arbutin dan Green Tea. Arbutin merupakan daun Bearberry yang merupakan the best whitening agent dan membantu mengurangi pembentukan melanin dan noda hitam. Sedangkan untuk green tea, mungkin kalian juga udah nggak asing ya. Ekstrak green tea dalam rangkaian ini berperan sebagai antioksidan untuk melindungi kulit dari radikal bebas dan juga membantu menyamarkan flek. 
Selain kedua kandungan di atas, rangkaian brightening ini juga mengandung:
✧ Licorice: membantu menyamarkan flek, sebagai anti oksidan untuk melindungi kulit dari radikal bebas.
✧ Aloe Vera: mencegah peradangan, memberikan kelembaban, melindungi kulit dari radikal bebas dan meregenerasi sel.
✧ Vitamin C: Menyamarkan flek.
Cara pengaplikasian skin care ini disebutnya basic step 3+1:
Step 1, Cleansing: Terdiri dari Cleansing Lotion dan Facial Wash untuk mengangkat kotoran.
Step 2, Softener: Melembutkan permukaan kulit dan membantu penyerapan produk selanjutnya.
Step 3, Day/Night Gel: Mencerahkan kulit dengan SPF15 di siang hari dan meregenerasi kulit di malam hari.
Step +1, Serum: Menyamarkan noda gelap dan memperlambat penuaan.

Step 1, Cleansing
Rubiena juga menerapkan sistem double cleansing dan cleansing lotion ini dipakai sebagai step paling awal untuk membersihkan kotoran di wajah sebelum nantinya dilanjutkan dengan facial wash
Cleansing Lotion
Klaim: pembersih berbentuk lotion, membantu mengangkat makeup dan kotoran serta menjadikan kulit bersih dan cerah. Untuk semua jenis kulit, tidak mengandung alkohol. 
Cleansing lotion ini dikemas dalam packaging plastik dengan tutup ulir dan lubang kecil di tengah, cukup mudah untuk mengeluarkan isinya. Teksurnya milky dan sedikit runny, dengan wangi lime/citrus yang seger banget trus juga nggak lengket di wajah. Lotion ini lumayan ampuh untuk membersihkan makeup/ kotoran dari wajah, hanya saja cepat banget nyerap dan kering di wajah sebelum sempat dibersihkan dengan tissue atau kapas. Jadi, either pakainya lebih banyak atau langsung bersihin pake kapas secepat kilat, hehe...
Facial Wash
Klaim: Pembersih berbentuk gel, membantu mengangkat kotoran dan sel-sel kulit mati di permukaan kulit dengan mudah, serta menjadikan kulit tampak bersih dan cerah. Untuk semua jenis kulit, tidak mengandung alkohol. 
Rubiena Brightening Facial Wash ini punya packaging yang sama seperti Cleansing Lotion, dan isinya susah banget dikeluarinnya. Mungkin karna bahan plastik yang dipakai agak keras, jadinya kita juga butuh tenaga ekstra buat ngeluarin facial washnya. Aku rasa akan lebih baik kalau packagingnya berbentuk tube, sih. Facial wash ini berbentuk gel transparan dan lembut banget saat dipakaikan di wajah. Nggak ada aroma dominan untuk produk yang ini, sih. Aku termasuk sensitif untuk urusan bau-bauan dan sabun ini sih gajadi masalah. Aku suka sama facial wash ini karena setelah dibilas dia nggak bikin kulit licin atau kesat, malah jadi lembut kenyal dan lembab trus ada sensasi segarnya gitu. I love it!
Step 2, Softener
Klaim: Pelembut yang dapat membantu penyerapan produk selanjutnya, membantu mengangkat sisa kotoran, debu, dan makeup, sehingga kulit terasa bersih dan segar, serta menjada kelembaban kulit. Untuk semua jenis kulit, tidak mengandung alkohol dan pewangi.
Again, Rubiena Brightening Softener ini punya packaging yang sama seperti cleansing lotion dan facial wash. Hanya saja, karena softener ini teksturnya cair banget kaya air, jadinya nggak ada kesulitan dalam mengeluarkan produk. Aromanya lumayan seger, tapi aku ngerasa ada bau-bau herbalnya gitu. Untuk pemakaiannya bisa menggunakan kapas atau langsung ditepuk-tepuk aja pakai telapak tangan. Softener ini cepat meresap dan bikin wajah lembab, sehingga memudahkan untuk pengaplikasian produk selanjutnya.  

Step 3, Day/ Night Gel
Setelah membersihkan wajah, pake softener dan serum, saatnya masuk ke step selanjutnya yaitu Day/Night Moisturizing Gel. Dua produk ini punya packaging yang sama yaitu jar dengan tutup ulir, jadi kita harus teliti sebelum pake supaya nggak salah. Tapi sebenernya bisa dibedain juga sih dari warna isinya ;) 
Day Moisturizing Gel
Klaim: Gunakan tiap pagi, setelah softener dan serum. Ambil secukupnya, oleskan pada dahi-pipi-hidung dan dagu lalu ratakan ke seluruh wajah. Untuk semua jenis kulit, tidak mengandung alkohol dan pewangi. 
Rubiena Brightening Day Moisturizing Gel ini walaupun diklaim berbentuk gel, menurutku teksturnya lebih ke cream kental gitu, berwarna kekuningan. Saat dipakai nggak terasa lengket dan cepat menyerap, tapi aku rasa dari sisi kelembaban, produk ini kurang menghidrasi. Nggak bikin kering, tapi juga nggak lembab. Produk ini bakalan cocok buat yang kulitnya berminyak, karena setelah dipakai seharian pun dia nggak terlalu oily. Day Moisturizing Gel ini juga udah mengandung SPF 15 yang bisa melindungi kita dari paparan sinar matahari.
Night Moisturizing Gel

Klaim: Gunakan tiap malam, setelah softener dan serum. Ambil secukupnya, oleskan pada dahi-pipi-hidung dan dagu lalu ratakan ke seluruh wajah. Untuk semua jenis kulit, tidak mengandung alkohol dan pewangi.
Dibandingkan dengan Day Gel, Rubiena Brightening Night Moisturizing Gel ini beneran berbentuk gel agak transparan dengan tekstur yang lebih ringan/ light. Night Gel ini terasa lebih ringan di wajah dan nggak "tebal" saat diaplikasikan, cepat meresap, dan lumayan melembabkan. Untuk lebih maksimalnya sih harus dipakai barengan serum.

Step +1, Serum
Klaim: Serum yang melembabkan, membantu menyamarkan flek, noda hitam, serta memperlambat tanda-tanda penuaan dini lainnya. Untuk semua jenis kulit, tidak mengandung alkohol, dan tidak ditambahkan pewangi.
Rubiena Brightening Serum menggunakan packaging pump yang seharusnya memudahkan kita untuk mengeluarkan isinya, tapi pump ini agak susah diatur. Pada pertama kali pemakaian, aku kaget gara-gara isinya tiba-tiba muncrat keluar. Tekstur serumnya sendiri mirip seperti cleansing lotion, tetapi lebih transparan. Ketika memakai produk ini, kulit jadi lebih terasa lembab dibanding hanya menggunakan Day/ Night Moisturizer Gel saja. Aku suka banget sama sensasi dingin yang dihasilin, cepat nyerapnya, nggak lengket juga, tapi aku kurang sreg sama aromanya sih, dia kaya ada bau herbal gitu.
Overall, rangkaian produk Rubiena Beauty ini lumayan ampuh untuk bikin kulit lebih cerah, nggak kusam, wajah terasa lebih halus dan lembut, tapi kurang melembabkan- yang menurutku akan cocok banget untuk yang punya tipe kulit berminyak. Selain itu sizenya juga travel friendly jadi mudah untuk dibawa kemana-mana. 
Untuk saat ini, rangkaian produk brightening Rubiena Beauty ini bisa dibeli di seller tertentu, bisa dilihat di sini ya seller list-nya. Bisa juga kunjungi website dan social medianya untuk tau lebih banyak tentang brand lokal ini ;)

Monday, April 23, 2018

How to Look Casual with Plaid Blazer

How to Look Casual with Plaid Blazer Blog |
Hi, Dreamers! As some of your may already know (or not?) I've always love outerwear. Denim jacket, windbreaker, bomber jacket, you name it. And guess what, now I'm addicted to plaid blazer! Imo, you don't have to look formal everytime you wear blazer, especially when it comes to plaid blazer. There are a lot of fun way to style it, but this time I'm gonna share about how to look casual with plaid blazer. Because...yeah, I mostly wear casual outfits ;)
Casual Plaid Blazer Style |
You can never go wrong with denim to create a casual look! I wore this denim cropped jeans with Minnie Mouse tee and added the plaid blazer. I'm into character tees so much, that's why you will often see me in one of those tees. This outfit is like combining 3 of my favorite items; character tee, denim, and plaid blazer. Well, it'd be all kill if I wore sneakers, lol. I decided to wear this cute sandals instead of sneakers that day, just because. 
How to Look Casual with Plaid Blazer |
What do you think about this look?
How will you style your plaid blazer?

Balancing Your Daily Nutritious Meals // Youvit x IFB

Hola, Dreamers! If you're following me on Instagram, you may already know that I'm trying to live healthier these days. I start cutting junk food, sweets, snacks, stop binge eating, do more workouts, etc. That's why I was so happy when Indonesian Female Bloggers invited me to join this blogger gathering; "Balancing Your Daily Nutritious Meals" with Youvit. 
The event was held at Glosis Barito last Saturday with the main speaker Rachel Olsen, Youvit nutrition specialist. Before she started explaining about nutritious food, she asked us to sign up to play game/quiz between her explanation. 
Rachel started the explanation with some basic information like, what is calorie? There are still a lot of wrong perceptions about calorie. Small portion doesn't mean it has smaller calorie, vice versa. Something you drink also has calorie, that's why there's this saying "Don't drink your calorie." The calories we need in a day depends on some factors; weight, age, and sex. Women usually need around 1500-2000 cal and Men need around 2000-2500 cal. If you want to lose weight, you need to eat less then 1500 cal a day, it's usually 1200 cal. Obesity can cause a lot of complication illness, one of them is coronary heart disease. You don't want that, right?
Next, we talked about why breakfast is important. I (almost) always skip my breakfast because I'm in intermittent fasting (easiest diet for me) and after this blogger gathering...I started having breakfast, lol. Breakfast is important because it's one way to start your metabolism and prevent you from eating too much on lunch time. The ideal breakfast will be light meal like fruits, smoothie, eggs. If you don't have enough time to enjoy your breakfast on table, then you can try to drink your breakfast. Just put some fruits in the freezer, take it out and blend it together in the morning. You can bring your smoothie with you now ;)) You can also just cut some fruits and put it into container. Rachel gave us some simple breakfast idea too (picture below).

Here are some tips to live healthier life:
👉 Eat fruits min. 5x a day
👉 Watch your portion- use smaller plate
👉 Chew your food longer
👉 Have min. 7 hours of sleep
👉 Workouts
👉 Small changes are important- take your time
To complete the healthy lifestyle, we also need to take some vitamins to prevent us from getting sick easily. Most people consumes vitamin (usually vit. C) when they're about to get sick, which actually already too late. We must consume them in daily basis to get the maximum result.
We also got to try Youvit gummy multivitamin with mix berry flavor, it's sooo gewd! I personally love gummies and this one just...addicting, lol. Can't stop chewing but we can only consume one a day, so we need to wait until next day. Youvit contains 10 vitamins and 2 minerals in one gummy and perfect for adults with lots of activities. We actually can consume this gummy any time, but it's better to consume it at the same time everyday, for example in the morning after having the breakfast.
Next, we were having healthy lunch by Glosis Barito, mine was this Super Poke Bowl which was super good! I had a pleasant lunch there ;) After had our lunch, the last activity was decorating smoothie bowl. Our team didn't win but it's okay, hahaha.

Yehey! Thanks for having me :)

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

About Body Positivity

About Body Positivity |
Just want to express some of my thoughts. I've read a lot of articles about body positivity (yeah, I DO have issues with it), about how we should love our body in whatever state/shape it is, how we should ignore the 'standard', etc. But in the end, I think that IF we can change for the better, why not? If there's anything I can do to look better and make me feel happier, why should I stay at current state? The important point here is: Do it because you love your body, not because you hate your body. Do it because you want to change, not because people ask you to change ;)

Monday, April 9, 2018

Question is, Are You Really Happy?

This question just suddenly appeared on my mind when I saw my outfit pics. We all know that it's impossible to be happy ALL THE TIME. This made me think about how people can hide their emotion with a smile, or to be frank, on their Instagram feed. Tbh, I was not the happiest I could be that day, but somehow the photos just turned out like that. I look so happy in this photo. 
My conclusion is, not everything you see in Instagram feed (or anywhere) is beautiful reality. We don't know the story behind, or how we are all struggled to reach that certain point in our life. In the end, just don't compare your life with what you see in the internet. Keep doing things you love and stay true to yourself, Dreamers!
Oh, I love my outfit that day, tho.
I didn't plan the color combo of black, white, and yellow but it turned out really nice!

Sunday, April 1, 2018

10 Tips You Should Know Before Visiting Tokyo DisneySea / Disneyland

10 Tips You Should Know Before Visiting Tokyo DisneySea Disneyland |
Hi, Dreamers! Today I'm gonna share some tips you should know before visiting Tokyo DisneySea and DisneyLand. These are based on my own experience so I wish it can be helpful for you ;) So, before anything else, just decided which one you want to go first. It depends on your itinerary and budget, if it's possible to visit both, why choose one? lol. If you want to visit both, you can buy a 2 Day Pass. If you want to choose one, then you can choose Tokyo DisneySea because it's the one and only in the world. But! Personally I was happier when I was in Tokyo Disneyland, so in the end it's back on personal preferences. 
First thing first, decide on your visit date. Tokyo DisneySea and Disneyland are actually crowded year-around, but you can minimize it by choosing the right time to visit. Avoid weekend (obviously), peak holiday season, and also Golden Week because those will be the most-packed period to visit. I visited it on Wednesday and Thursday, and it's super crowded! You can also check the crowd calendar first before deciding. Just translate the page to your language and you will get the idea ;)
Buy your ticket online, you can purchase it on the official website or any travel agents site (mine was bought at Klook). By buying your ticket online, you don't have to waste time at the long queue. The down side is, you won't get the cute Disney ticket. Your ticket will be the boring print-out paper that you must print before visiting. Seriously, make sure to print your online ticket because you don't want to waste so much time finding printer and wasting your precious time in DisneySea/ Disneyland. All you need is the barcode actually (for entrance and fast pass).
Disney Resort Line Ticket |

To get to Tokyo Disney Resort by train, you'll stop at Maihama station, then take Disney Resort Line to reach Tokyo DisneySea and RUN to the Disneyland. Actually both can be reached by the monorail, but it's faster to just run to the Disneyland, lol. The monorail costs 260 yen for adults and 130 yen for children.
Tips Tokyo DisneySea Disneyland | www.
Come maximum 1 hour before the park opens. It's opened at 8/9 AM so make sure to be there at least 7 AM. When I arrived, it's already so crowded! So you need to come before 7 AM to be in the front line, lol. Some hacks to survive the queue: 
1. Bring portable chair. OMG some Japanese brought some chair to sit while waiting in the line. I want!! hahaha. 
2. Bring snacks. Bought your breakfast and eat it while waiting in the line, or candy to kill your boredom. 
3. BRING YOU FRIEND!! lol. I went to both DisneySea and Disneyland alone so queuing was actually pretty boring :")
Toymania Morning Madness |
When the gate is opened, people are running, rushing to get their fastpass. The staffs were telling people to slow down, but they just ignoring them lol. This is why you should know which attraction is your priority, so you can rush to the location and get your fastpass.
Tips to Visit DisneySea Disneyland Fastpass |
Fastpass is Tokyo DisneySea/Land system that allows to "book" your seat on certain attraction.  It will minimize the amount of time waiting in line by assigning you a specific time to enter the attraction. For example, you get your Fastpass for Tower of Terror at 15.15~16.00 then you NEED to come to the attraction around that assigned time. Then you use that waiting time to enjoy another attractions or doing anything else like taking photos or shopping. Note that to get your next Fastpass, you need to wait for another 2 hours after the first Fastpass. Sorry can't show you any photos because all my photos taken by phone are lost :((

** To know more about this Fastpass, you can read it on their official website ;)
Still related to the previous point, try to plan your visit beforehand. You can check the park map and attractions on their website (DisneySea // DisneyLand). Find your possibly most-wanted attractions to ride, then plan the order of your Fastpass. Use the free time in between to queue for another less-crowded attractions.
Disneysea Disneyland Single Rider Attractions |
Splash Mountain at Disneyland is one of the Single Rider Attraction!
Use Single Rider! If you have no problem riding the attractions alone or separate with your friends, get to the single rider line to enter the attractions. You will pass the loooong queue and entering in no time. How it's working: A group of friends are riding that attraction then there's one empty seat. That's your seat! Something like that. It's only available on certain attractions tho.
Disneyland Daytime Happiness is Here Parade |
Don't miss out the parades. There are some parades in one day, depending on the event. In Tokyo DisneySea, I could just enjoy one parade at night, Fantasmic. There were no special event so no day parade :(( But then in Tokyo Disneyland I was able to experience both daytime (Happiness is Here) and nighttime (Tokyo Disneyland Electrical Parade Dreamlights) parade and my breath was taking away!!! I was extremely happy that I couldn't stop thank God, hahaha. Will tell you more about these parades on another post dedicated to Tokyo DisneySea and Disneyland each.
DisneySea Fantasmic Parade |
Tips: Tag your place around 30~45 minutes before the parade starts. You can check the parade schedule on the map you got at the park. Well, you will actually know it's going to start when you see people are busy to find their perfect spot to enjoy the parade.
DisneySea Turkey Leg |
Turns out, Tokyo DisneySea/ Disneyland allows you to bring your own lunch/ bento from home. The restaurants at lunch/dinner time is extremely packed and you need to queue super long to get your food/table. I didn't know this on the first day (DisneySea) and guess what, I didn't eat any proper meal that day (because the restaurants were too crowded), I just ate some snacks and felt like dying at night because I was super hungry. Fortunately, I could have a proper meal on the next day at Disneyland, I had burger set around 10 or 11 AM, the burger is in Mickey Mouse shape but guess what? Didn't take photos with camera, only phone and then the photos are gone. CRY.
Tips: Eat your meal before lunch time. You can also book your table at the restaurant 2-3 hours before your meal time. If you're okay, just buy snacks like hot dog or any food that can be eaten while walking ;)
Tips to Visit DisneySea Disneyland Happiest Place on Earth |
Last but not least, just BE HAPPY! It's the happiest place on earth anyway. Don't rush anything, it's IMPOSSIBLE to try all the attractions nor exploring every corner of the park because it's huge (and crowded!) Just focus on some attractions you like the most, plan your fast pass, and ENJOY! I personally plan to go back tho, hahaha. Oh, you can also go Disney characters hunting, find the hidden Mickey Mouse (I had no idea about this!), try various popcorn flavors, collect the popcorn bucket, jelly bean bucket, eat their cute snacks, do whatever you want to make you happy 💖

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