Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Year in Review: ありがとう 2019

So, it's the time for another Year in Review post again. Wow, this year feels like it has only 6 months in it, time flies sooo (too) fast! To be honest, this year was to tough for me, especially a few months earlier. It's a roller-coaster ride and I hated it for months. Thankfully, things do get better. Not easier, but definitely better, I hope.

So, what have I done in 2019?

First Time visiting Palembang
I went there for my friend's wedding and managed to explore some places and food in Palembang. It's my first time and I'm glad I went there because visiting new places always give me interesting experience ;) Anyway, you can read about my trip here: Palembang Travel Diary

Finally after years, I decided to get braces to straighten my teeth! I saved some money to do this and it's one of the reason I'm not traveling this year. It already gave so much progress so far and I'm satisfied. Worth the money and the pain, lol. Will talk about this later, on youtube video maybe? :p

Mamamoo's Fan Meeting
It was one of my lucky moment in 2019, I got free tickets to attend Mamamoo's fan meeting with my boyfie. Thanks to him who told me about the giveaway and I was like "Haaa I really love Mamamoo I want", lol. They're so pretty and adorable, and funny. And of course, NICE VOICES.

Officially a Freelancer (and broke)
Hm...just like that I suddenly stop working full time and being a freelancer. I've always wanted to try freelancing and focus on blogging (or content creating), it did happen this year. At first, it's really really tough. I was broke and also felt so useless..... 😭 Thank God it's getting better now. I hope more jobs and opportunities are coming for me in 2020!

Starting My Youtube Channel again!

Just some days ago I posted a blogpost telling I'm starting my youtube channel again. I still love blogging but somehow I think I need to try new thing, therefore I dare myself to try making videos. It's actually similar with what I'm doing so far: review, travel tips, lifestyle, but this time it's not writing but talking. And... I'm not that good at talking so I hope I can get better as time goes by, lol.
I think that's all things I can remember (good things or things that changed me) for 2019. It might not be a very good start but the last day of 2019 was indeed a happy one. I'm really grateful I could spend it with someone who means a lot for me, HAHAHA ///shy///

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Start My Youtube Channel (Again)!

Hola, dreamers! I finally start my Youtube Channel again. I've posted some videos before but this time is more proper one (I hope). This is not an easy decision for me, I was really anxious hahaha. I wish I can do well sharing about things I love. If you want to watch my videos, please kindly support me by subscribing to my channel 😁

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

#japobsOOTD: Antisocial // Crop Sweatshirt + Midi Dress Coordinate

Hola! Super happy to finally write an outfit post again :') It brings back memories about how much I loved seeing people's outfit posts, inspired by them, and how I realized I'd always love fashion, hahaha. In this post I'm gonna share some tips for you who are not confident to show your belly but still want to wear crop tops/ sweatshirt like me!
This is the #japobsOOTD that I wore to attend a makeup class with Moonshot Indonesia. I was so glad to try any new makeup now, well gonna talk about that on another post, okay? There was no dress code so we were free to wear anything/ any color.
So, if you're shy or not confident showing your belly, you actually can wear some inner like tank top or t-shirt inside, but you know it's basic. I wanted to put a little bit effort (but actually this is effortless, really), therefore I was wearing my green "Antisocial" sweatshirt with a floral midi dress. I also brought my yellow sling bag to put some contrast to my outfit, and of course sneakers! I've always said this, SNEAKERS! lol. 
BONUS: Found this cute pastel gradients door T.T
// Crop Sweatshirt - Nymph Clothes //

// Floral Dress - bought in Bangkok //
// Yellow Sling Bag - Zara //
// Old Skool Platform - Vans //

Friday, December 13, 2019

#BigDreamerWander: Devoyage Bogor, European Village Themed Selfie Spot

Hola, Dreamers! Been a while writing about travel post. It's December and it means: HOLIDAY coming soon! :D This time I'm gonna share about one of the "selfie spot" located in Bogor, called Devoyage. I actually visited it on December last year, omg I postponed writing this for a year.... Bogor is close to Jakarta and has some fun locations to spend weekend or short getaway.
Apparently since Instagram is a thing, people are competing to post more and more photos, especially the ones on a nice or cute places. I won't say I'm not one of them except the competing part, lol. Well, I used to. Now I just want to have fun first, nice photo or not is the later problem. So if you're planning a short trip to Bogor and wonder where to go, maybe you can try this one.
Jl. Raya Bogor No.240, RT.05/RW.12, Mulyaharja, 
Kec. Bogor Sel., Kota Bogor, Jawa Barat 16135
Devoyage Bogor offers some European Village- themed spots, like its building, street, canal, murals, it even has the Eiffel Tower! Of course the photos result will turn out really good, but it's usually packed during holiday season so you might get people as the background :( Skill is highly needed to take a proper photos, hahaha. Some spots are really crowded but thankfully people are queuing and take turn to take photos, so relax.
Outside there is a restaurant and it also can be an instagrammable spot. I took some #japobsOOTD photos on the pizza walls. Super cute!
Weekdays: 09.00 - 18.00 (last order 17.30)
IDR 30.000
Weekend + Public holiday: 09.00 - 20.00
IDR 40.000
Overall, it's not really my favorite place because when I went there, it's on Christmas. All I saw is people + the weather is super hot so I felt suffocated before anything. Oh the whole are was also not too huge, so it looked too packed for me. In the end, just enjoy.... I still managed to snap some nice photos, tho.  Oh, enjoy the video I took too, please :3

Monday, December 9, 2019

Review: Kiehl's Limited Edition Ultra Facial Cream Holiday '19

Dibanding dulu-dulu, setahun belakangan ini aku jauh lebih memperhatikan kondisi kulit aku. Aku lebih banyak belajar lagi tentang skin care, kandungan-kandungannya, dll. Salah satu hal yang menyebabkan kondisi kulit aku sempat parah banget adalah skin barrier yang udah rusak. Beruntunglah aku karena sudah menemukan penyebab utamanya, jadi nyari skincare jadi bisa lebih mudah. Nah, kenapa aku tiba-tiba ngomongin skin barrier?
Aku abis cobain Ultra Facial Cream Kiehl's yang aku dapat dari Clozette Indonesia beberapa minggu lalu. Sebenarnya dari dulu udah penasaran sama produk satu ini, tapi baru dapet kesempatan buat cobainnya sekarang, hehe. Menariknya, yang aku cobain ini adalah special edition mereka, yaitu Holiday and Gifting Season yang packagingnya dibikin oleh Janine Rewell dan ini tuh limited edition, lho. Sebagai banci packaging mah aku senang banget pastinya.
Ultra Facial Cream ini adalah produk favorit dari Kiehl's, teksturnya ringan dan  bisa menjaga kelembaban hingga 24 jam, membuat kulit 2.3x lebih lembab bahkan di area kulit yang paling kering. Cream ini diformulasikan dengan Glacial Glycoprotein dan Squalane, tidak berminyak dan cocok digunakan untuk semua jenis kulit termasuk yang sensitif. 
Lanjut soal skin barrier yang sempat aku sebutin tadi di atas, Ultra Facial Cream ini tuh mengklaim "ultra hydrating" cream ini tuh membantu untuk memperkuat skin barrier kita dan efektif juga untuk mempertahankan kelembaban kulit.


Glacial Glycoprotein: berasal dari gletser laut dan terkenal karena kemampuannya untuk berkembang di iklim ekstrim. Bahan alami ini mampu untuk membantu melembabkan, melindungi, dan mencegah kulit wajah kehilangan kadar air.

Squalane: minyak pelembab yang sangat halus yang berasal dari buah zaitun. Squalane dikenal untuk membantu memperkuat pertahanan kelembaban kulit.

Packaging Ultra Facial Cream ini aslinya hanya jar putih simple berisikan logo, nama, dan keterangan produk. Tapi karena ini adalah special edition, packagingnya dihiasi dengan ilustrasi dari seniman asal Finlandia, Janine Rewell yang bernuansa Natal. To be honest, packaging yang ini jauh lebih menarik sih, hehe. Walaupun produk ini ada seal-nya, kita nggak dikasih spatula, jadi mungkin ada yang menganggap tidak higienis, tapi aku sendiri nggak masalah karena biasanya emang mager juga pake spatula ._.

Cream berwarna putih susu dengan tekstur yang nggak thick atau berat, jadi sesuai dengan klaimnya "lightweight". Rasanya ringan dan cepat meresap di kulit, tanpa meninggalkan rasa lengket atau greasy. Dipakai sebelum makeup juga nggak masalah sih. Dari segi aroma sih nggak ada bau aneh-aneh atau fragrance juga, ini jadi salah satu poin yang aku suka dari produk ini.

Aku pakai ini selama kurang lebih 2 minggu dan aku berani bilang kalau produk ini bagus banget dan memberikan hasil untuk kulit kering aku. Aku pakai ini di skincare routine siang dan malam, karena kulit aku yang kering suka berasa ketarik gitu jadi nyaman setelah pakai cream ini. Abis pake tuh rasanya wajah seketika jadi glowing, lol.

Biasanya kalau siang aku pakai di step sebelum sunscreen, ditimpa makeup pun nggak terasa "heavy" dan nggak ngerusak makeup. Walaupun melembabkan, dia nggak bikin wajah berminyak heboh gitu lho. Nah, aku juga masukin ini di step terakhir skincare routine malamku. Sejak pakai Ultra Facial Cream ini, kalau bangun wajahku lebih plump gitu. It feels hydrated and supple.

Sebenarnya, harganya mungkin lumayan pricey ya di IDR 520.000, tapi dengan hasil yang aku rasakan dan betapa sedikitnya produk yang diperlukan untuk sekali pakai, rasanya worth it kok. Aku cuma kasih 5 titik gitu di wajah dan itu udah cukup untuk melembabkan satu wajah, jadi bisa dibilang bakal tahan lama sih 1 jar 50 ml ini.
Overall, aku sangat merekomendasikan Kiehl's Ultra Facial Cream ini, terutama untuk yang kulitnya kering. Di aku nggak ada tanda-tanda nggak cocok seperti breakout atau gatal-gatal sejauh ini. Tapi, perlu diingat ya, skincare itu cocok-cocokan lho. Apa yang cocok di aku bisa aja nggak cocok di kamu atau orang lain, begitu juga sebaliknya. 
Kalau mau kepoin lebih jauh, cus cek ke website store mereka di www.kiehls.co.id dan instagramnya @kiehlsid, Special Edition Holiday and Gifting Season ini limited lho, jangan sampai kamu kehabisan :')

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