Wednesday, April 8, 2020

#japobsMOTD: Instagram Followers Choose My Makeup // Video

Hola! I just uploaded a new video on my Youtube channel, yay! It's filmed a few months ago (I know it's already so long) but I managed to edit it last week. I'm planning to be more active on both my blog and Youtube channel, please subscribe if you want to ;)

So in this video, I asked my Instagram followers to help me choose what products I'm gonna use for my makeup to an event. It's a simple makeup, but I felt like it's pretty fun to do something like this because I can interact with my followers (and friends). It's so fun to create and share, I hope I never forget this feeling again. See you on the next post (and videos)!

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

What I'm Doing at Home // Self-Quarantine

Hola! Yesss, finally I'm writing again ;) I hope you're all reading this in good condition despite the virus! I'm in Jakarta, Indonesia and it's been weeks I'm staying at home to avoid getting sick. Well, actually I was sick because I was not eating well (alias jajan sembarangan). To be honest, it's been a while I'm writing in English so this is now quite challenging for me huhu. Rasanya pengen nulis dalam Bahasa Indonesia aja. Intinya aku tuh kemaren sakit lumayan banyak: campak Jerman, radang, gejala tipes dan amit-amit hampir DBD. Untungnya sekarang udah lebih baikan sih.

Don't forget that I'm a freelancer. Or I think most people are turning into "temporary freelancer" because some offices are letting their employees to work from home for safety. I still have some projects going on, so I'm working on the storyboard and also creating some designs.

I think everyone will do the same, watching Netflix shows or Korean Dramas. I personally re-subsribe Netflix to watch Kingdom 2, Elite Season 3, and I also re-watched some Korean dramas like Tunnel, Beating Again, etc. Maybe I will share some of my favorite Korean (crime) dramas here next time. Oh, I also finished watching Tell Me What You Saw, it's a good series! I just finished watching The Cursed and I'm currently watching Rugal + waiting for Money Heist season 4!

I can't meet my boyfriend or friends so we sometimes playing games (PUBG, together while doing video calls. We also watched movie together but turned out it's a boring movie lol. Sometimes we just doing our own business but with video calls on. Can't lie this self-quarantine thingy makes us feel lonely (even for an introvert like me) huhu.

Another unusual thing I do is playing games on my phone. I only played PUBG before but now I'm installing a lot of games-- mostly cooking games. I also found some adorable games like Rilakkuma Farm and Adorable Home. The cooking games actually stress me out sometimes, but Rilakkuma Farm and Adorable Home are pretty relaxing, they're not hard at all haha.

I'm 100% gaining weight even when I was not just staying at home lol. I really want to start exercising and lose some weight but why eating so satisfying..... I eat when I'm hungry, when I'm bored, when I'm just... want to munch on something. I can see some people trying to cook or make some DIY snacks but I'm just not really into it. I watch some youtube videos, but too lazy to try it myself ;p

When there's nothing to do, sleep. I've slept a lot to the point I'm too bored to sleep again. When I was sick, I had a deadline so I had to finish it while I actually felt like dying. It was so hard. All I wanted to do is sleep. But now when I'm getting better, I can't sleep again at night. It's so annoying :( Still, sleep is the best thing to do!

And finally, I'm trying to create some contents while having so much time at home. Why I put it the last on the list? Because it's the last thing I do during this stay at home / self-quarantine time. I was so lazy to do anything, especially after I had to finish my work despite of getting sick. Then, after weeks I feel like I'm wasting my time if I just do those things above, so here I am creating contents ;) I planned some blog posts, video for my Youtube channel, and make some fun videos for TikTok. Please follow my Instagram too if you want: @japobs
Okay, I think that's all about what I'm doing at home. How about yours? Will glad to read your story, just write it on the comment section below. I hope we are all doing fine and this virus will pass quickly. Next time I'm gonna some ideas to do during this self-quarantine time! Already list the ideas tho ;) Jaa, see ya!

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