Sunday, January 20, 2019

Things to Do // Places to Go in Busan (Summer Trip)

After sharing about things to do in Seoul, this time I'm gonna share about things to do/ places to go/ what to eat in Busan, South Korea. Actually Busan is not my friend's favorite city but I insisted to go there, so she had no choice, lol. In this post I also will tell you about how to get to Busan from Seoul and where to stay in Busan.

I used KTX to get to Busan from Seoul/ Seoul to Busan. We can book the ticket at least one month before the trip, you can check the schedule and purchase it here. I used credit card to purchase the round-trip ticket. When you're at Seoul Station, just show your details of purchase to the staff and he/she will give you the KTX ticket. Picture above is what you get after purchasing the KTX ticket and the exchanged ticket.
Me posing in front of the KTX (yeah I know it's kinda hectic lol)
The trip is taking around 3 hours, so I had McDonald as my breakfast while watching Train to Busan. Yeah, I know. Watching Train to Busan in the train to Busan, hahaha. I even made a short and quick GRWM video inside the KTX :))
Me after arrived at Busan Station! Gotta take a photo, lol.

Just like in Seoul, we also stayed at Kimchee Downtown Guest House in Busan. They offer private and dorm rooms (we stayed in the dorm room), which I found much more comfortable than the one in Seoul. It's just 2 minutes walk to the Boemnaegol Subway Station (Busan line 1) and pretty close to the downtown (to eat and do some shopping). I like this guesthouse because it's affordable and the facilities are very good. Room and shared bathroom also clean ;) Anyway, if you want to book via, you can use my link: to get 10% discount (this is not sponsored tho).

Here are some things to do // where to go in Busan, ready?

Oh I bet you know this place; Gamcheon Cultural Village. The colorful village has appeared on many Korean variety shows/ dramas and travel blogs/vlogs, also known as the Santorini of Korea. It's one of the must-visit place in Busan and honestly my main reason to visit this city.

How to get there?
Take subway (Busan subway line 1) to Toseong Station exit 6, then continue with local bus Saha 1-1, Seogu 2, or Seogu 2-2 to Gamcheon Cultural Village. I think you can just follow the crowd, lol.
When you arrived at the last stop, you can see the village's sign. From the very first house you see, you can't help but taking photos. Believe me, every corner, everything is just soooo photogenic/ instaworthy/ whatever you call it. I knew this place from 1 Night 2 Days and decided that I must visit it one day, so saw those spots in front of me was kinda...exciting! The only thing that spoiled this trip (just a little not much) was the heat :( Well, it's the risk of having summer trip tho, hahaha. FYI, people are actually living in these houses, so make sure don't be too loud when you're here okay.

Climb the stairs so you can see the view above! ;)

Haedong Yonggusa Temple is called as "The Best Beautiful Temple in Korea" (written there, tbh). It's a Buddhist Temple located along the shore, so you can see the ocean and cliff scenery from this temple. We arrived there pretty late (it's so hot T.T) and the food stalls were already closed, just left some people around the site but I think it's better like that because many people = hard to take photos without photobomb, haha.

How to get there?
Take Subway Line 2 to Haeundae Station, exit 7. You have two options to reach the temple: bus and taxi. If you take the bus, it's bus number 181 but you will need to walk about 12 minutes to the gate. So, if you're lazy to walk it's easier and more convenient to take the taxi. The problem may be the language barrier tho. In my case, my friend can talk Korean so it's her job to tell the driver :))
When you arrived, you can see a lot of street food stalls (but they already closed when I went there) and welcomed by the 12 zodiac statues. Of course, I took one photo with my zodiac: Rooster, lol. I can say that this place is legit beautiful, especially the ocean view. Look at this photo below, it doesn't need any filter!

I knew this place from some Indonesian influencers' instastories, and decided that I must visit it too. Oryukdo Skywalk was the best of the best places I've been to in Busan, it's worth the pretty long bus ride and crazy heat (and tanned skin). It's built at a border between the East and South Sea and called Seungdumal at first because the "skywalk" was built like the shape of saddle.

How to get there?
I took the bus number 27, get off after 25 stops at Oryukdo SK View Humun (Backgate). It took around 40 minutes from Busan Station to Oryukdo Skywalk but trust me you're not gonna regret this trip!

Before you get into the glass bridge, you need to wear the overshoes (?), basically it's to cover your shoes. It's scary at first but after seeing the scenery, the fear just went away :))
However, actually there is not too much things to do and see at the skywalk, you basically can walk above the sea, but the glass was not clear enough and it's too close to the cliff, so I was just not too impressed. I still prefer the scenery I saw from Igidae Coastal Walk (the one beside Oryukdo Skywalk).
So if you want to see a better ocean view, you can walk to the opposite way to the Igidae Coastal Walk. You need to climb the stairs but your energy and sweat will be all worth it in the end, lol. You can also see Oryukdo Skywalk (the glass floor bridge) from here.

If you're more like city-girl, you love shopping or trying local culinary, then here is your must-visit place: Seomyeon. It's the downtown where you can find various food, beauty and fashion stuff (Olive Young, Spao, etc). Here you can also find Daiso with several floors (I forgot), it has a lot of stuff with cheap price.

I actually didn't really think about what to eat during my trip in Korea because my friend Ayu is a foodie so she decided (almost) all the food. She said this Gaemijip is her reason to visit Busan again. They specialized in stir-fried small octopus, we can order Nak-gob-sae- Nakji (small octopus), Gobchang (tripe), and Saewoo (shrimp). source: Anyway, you can only find Gaemijip in Busan, that's why make sure you try this when you visit Busan!

That's it for Busan! Actually, there many more things you can do in Busan. We didn't even visit Haeundae or any beaches there because we just got 3D2N to explore. I love this city and I wish I can go back there someday in the future :") Anyway, I will write blogposts about each places in this post, I have too many nice photos to not share, hahaha. See you then!

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Review: KOSÉ Cosmeport Clear Turn White Mask

What's the easiest way to pamper yourself? For me, it's definitely applying sheet mask at home! Aku termasuk orang yang males, jadi kalo merawat wajah pun pengennya yang praktis- tapi efektif. That's why, sheet mask itu andalan aku banget, karena setelah dipakai tinggal dibuang aja tanpa perlu membilas wajah lagi. Kali ini aku mau cobain sheet mask dari Jepang, yaitu KOSÉ Cosmeport Clear Turn White Mask.
In case kalian belum tahu, KOSÉ Cosmeport adalah bagian dari KOSÉ Corporation Group yang merupakan brand perawatan wajah dan badan dari Jepang yang menawarkan produk berkualitas dengan harga terjangkau. KOSÉ Cosmeport ini akhirnya hadir di Indonesia dengan berbagai produk mulai dari perawatan wajah, badan, hingga rambut, yang terdiri dari Je L’aime, Softymo, Clear Turn, dan Suncut. Semua produknya bisa kalian temukan di drugstore seperti Guardian dan Watsons Indonesia
Balik lagi ke Sheet Mask yang aku cobain, yah! KOSÉ Cosmeport Clear Turn White Mask yang aku dapat ada 3 varian, yaitu CLEAR TURN White Mask (Collagen) / Biru, CLEAR TURN White Mask (Hyaluronic Acid) / Pink, dan CLEAR TURN White Mask (Vitamin C) / Kuning. Sheet mask dari Clear Turn ini merupakan salah satu no.1 selling selama 8 tahun berturut-turut, lho. Dengan formula yang sudah diperbaharui, serum dengan 5 macam botanical ingredients yang terkandung di dalam sheet mask ini bisa merawat kulit hingga lapisan terdalam. Dengan 5-10 menit pemakaian saja, hasil pemakaian maskernya bisa langsung terlihat dan terasa. 

CLEAR TURN White Mask (Collagen) // Re-Plumping Skin
Sheet Mask dengan packaging biru ini mengandung collagen GL yang berfungsi sebagai moisturizer, merupakan varian yang cocok untuk kulit kusam dan kering. Kandungan collagen-nya membuat kulit wajah terasa lebih kenyal setelah pemakaian. 

CLEAR TURN White Mask (Hyaluronic Acid) // Moisturizing Skin
Untuk varian ini, packagingnya berwarna pink dan mengandung Hyaluronic Acid yang berfungsi untuk menghidrasi kulit wajah yang kusam dan kering. 

CLEAR TURN White Mask (Vitamin C) // Sun Protection
Varian yang berwarna kuning ini cocok buat kalian yang sering beraktivitas di luar ruangan atau setelah pulang liburan yang membuat kulit terpapar sinar matahari. Sheet mask ini mencegah munculnya noda hitam/ freckles akibat sinar matahari. Kandungan vitamin C berfungsi sebagai antioksidan dan asam amino untuk menjaga kesehatan kulit serta membantu mencerahkan wajah.

Aku akan me-review CLEAR TURN White Mask ini secara keseluruhan aja, ya. Karena untuk formula, bentuk masker, dan packaging sebenarnya sama, hanya berbeda di manfaat masing-masing varian aja. Jangan lupa sebelum digunakan, masukkan masker ke dalam kulkas dulu, hehe. 

Dalam 1 box isinya ada 5 sheet mask, design packaging sama dengan warna yang berbeda untuk masing-masing varian. Sebenarnya packagingnya basic aja, nggak ada yang special tapi ukurannya cukup kecil dibanding sheet mask pada umumnya, jadi lebih praktis untuk dibawa traveling. Cara merobek bungkusnya nggak ke samping, tapi dari atas ke bawah.

Sheet Mask:
Bentuk masker ini pun telah diperbaharui sehingga lebih pas di wajah daripada yang sebelumnya, bahkan di bagian sekitar mata dan hidung. Uniknya, bagian matanya nggak langsung bolong, jadi kita bisa aja "menutup" bagian itu untuk menghidrasi bagian kelopak mata. Aku sangat suka pakai dengan mata tertutup, biasanya kan bagian kelopak mata terabaikan, hihi. Sheet mask ini terbuat dari bahan yang namanya Bemliese, merupakan bahan yang langka dan tidak tercemar jadi sangat bagus untuk kulit wajah. 
Bentuknya sebenarnya pas dengan bentuk wajah, tapi pas aku pakai aku agak kesulitan pasang tanpa cermin. Jadi tiap pake masker ini aku harus sambil ngaca biar bisa rapi dan ngepas sempurna ke wajah. Butuh effort sih, tapi selebihnya oke banget, termasuk elastisitas (nggak gampang robek) dan daya nempelnya di wajah. Mau nunduk pun maskernya masih stay nggak bergeser :))

Sheet Mask Clear Return ini mengandung 22mL essence yang kandungan beda-beda tergantung variannya. Walaupun di masker "mengunci" banyak essence, tapi di dalam packaging udah nggak tersisa banyak essence. Jadi, essence-nya udah pas untuk 1x pemakaian masker. Sheet mask ini juga aman untuk kulit karena mengandung weakly acid (kecuali yang vitamin C), fragrance free, color free, mineral oil free, dan juga alcohol (ethanol) free (kecuali untuk yang anti-aging). Oh iya, karena dia formulanya agak thick, jadinya nggak netes-netes mengalir ke mana-mana jadi I like!

Overall Review:
Ketiga masker yang aku coba ini seger banget pas dipake sebelum tidur, apalagi aku simpen dulu di kulkas. Essencenya lumayan thick tapi nggak terasa berat di wajah, nggak ada sensasi tingling dan baunya hampir nggak ada, which is really good! Setelah dilepas, essesencenya juga nggak bikin wajah gatal atau lengket, hanya saja emang butuh sedikit waktu untuk bisa meresap seluruhnya. Untuk ngakalinnya bisa coba ditepuk-tepuk aja sih wajahnya (yang gentle aja jangan barbar! haha). 
Dari ketiganya, aku paling suka sama hasil yang warna biru/ CLEAR TURN White Mask (Collagen) karena wajahku langsung terlihat lebih glowing dan moisturized. Mungkin karena ada kandungan collagen juga ya, jadinya wajah terasa lebih kenyal bounchy gitu deh, lol.
Varian yang pink/ CLEAR TURN White Mask (Hyaluronic Acid) juga sebenarnya memberikan hasil yang bisa langsung terlihat, wajah terasa lebih plump dan segar. Aku pakai masker ini ketika wajahku lagi kering parah sampe ngelupas gitu, paginya setelah bangun dan cuci muka, wajah jadi lebih lembab (surprisingly!). Dengan pemakaian rutin mungkin ini bisa membantu mendapatkan wajah yang lebih sehat dan cerah.

Terakhir yang kuning/ CLEAR TURN White Mask (Vitamin C) mengandung vitamin C, yang bisa membuat kulit terlihat lebih cerah. Setelah dipakai memang kulit terlihat lebih sehat dan glowing, pengen banget cobain rutin pake ini supaya nggak ada lagi yang namanya wajah kusam T.T

Overall Rating: 4/5

(+) Hasil pemakaian sheet mask yang cukup instan/ efektif
(+) Nggak berbau dan nggak lengket
(+) Sheet mask fit perfectly (with efforts), nggak gampang robek, unik

(-) Butuh effort untuk adjust maskernya di wajah
(-) Untuk produk yang aku dapat, tidak ada penjelasan dalam bahasa Inggris/ Indonesia
(-) Harganya lumayan mahal
Kalian suka pake sheet mask juga ga sih? Biasanya berapa kali dalam seminggu? Feel free to share, ya! Kalau kepo sama produk-produk lain dari KOSÉ Cosmeport, kalian bisa cek di website mereka (english) atau official instagram mereka, ya! Produk-produknya udah bisa kalian dapatkan di drugstore seperti Guardian dan Watsons juga ;) See you on the next review!

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