Monday, February 26, 2018

Feeling Nostalgic at Chinatown Bandung

Chinatown Bandung Blog |
Hi Dreamersss! Been a while, huh? Now, let's talk about this long-postponed post. I went to one of the newest spot in Bandung, Chinatown Bandung. FYI, Bandung is a favorite destination for busy people in Jakarta for short getaway, because it's pretty close with only 2-3 hours drive. I think it's one of the reason Bandung keep improving and expanding their "instagrammable" spots. Back to Chinatown Bandung, it's located at Jalan Kelenteng no. 41 (near Vihara Satya Budhi) and easy to find. We were too early (we didn't check the opening time) and had to wait- so we went to eat nasi campur first, hahaha. Chinatown Bandung was opened at 12 PM but the last time I checked, they open at 11 AM and 10 AM on Sunday. Hm.
While waiting for Chinatown Bandung to open, my brother and I took some photos of the place. To enter, we need to buy ticket IDR 20.000 on weekend and IDR 10.000 on weekdays, which is pretty cheap. For every purchase, they will give us some drink (I got mineral water), snacks, or merchandise. Oh, also note that although it's related to "China" or "Chinese", the foods here are Halal- or no pork at all ;)
We were full so we didn't try any food there (such a shame) and just spent time walking around and of course taking photos! All corners are instagrammable, fyi. Oh, it's sooo hot so please make sure to wear something comfortable like t-shirt or shorts, pleaseee don't wear sweater or layering outfit, hahaha. 
Here are some photos I took at Chinatown Bandung, hope you can get a glimpse about what's inside and which spots can be your "Don't-Miss" spot for your Instagram feed. Some spots can be crowded because it's the popular ones, but actually people will just wait and queue to get the picture. Just be patient, okay?
There are also playground for children, merchandise kiosk, snacks store, bakery, etc. Please note that you have to use BCA Flazz or debit card to pay any transaction here! 
Besides instagrammable spots and culinary, they also provide a mini museum near the entrance. It shows some Chinese traditional stuff like toys, bicycle, pans, cups, etc. which really really made me feel nostalgic because I used to see them at my grandma's house (some of them are still used at my home now, hahaha).

I really appreciate their effort to create the Chinatown with those real stuff, not the fake ones. IDR 20.000 was really worth it, imo ;)

That's it, hope you enjoy! See ya on the next post~

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Maybelline Color Jolt Intense Lip Paint (Shiny/Matte) // Swatches + Review

Hola, Dreamers! I'm back with another post about one of my most-used brand: Maybelline. After my swatches and review post about their Powder Mates, now I'm so ready to tell you about their new lip product: Maybelline Color Jolt Intense Lip Paint! I'm gonna write this in Bahasa and fyi, you can translate this post using the translate tool on my side bar :) 
Maybelline Color Jolt Intense Lip Paint ini adalah lip cream terbaru dari Maybelline yang mengandung 3 kali color pigment untuk hasil warna yang lebih intens. Lipstik Maybelline ini punya aplikator unik flocker tip yang sangat mudah digunakan dan tersedia dual finish yaitu Shiny (9 shades) dan Matte (8 shades). 
Aku bakal nge-swatch kedua-duanya (shiny dan matte) dan ngasih tau kalian honest review setelah ini. Dari 17 warna, aku nggak kebagian 1 warna, tapi aku akan update postingan ini kalo udah dapet warna yang satunya lagi, ya. 
Maybelline Color Jolt Lip Paint berbentuk tube ini termasuk kecil dan ringan dengan isi 5 ml, yang artinya sangat travel friendly dan gampang di selipin di pouch makeup :)) Aku suka cara mereka membedakan lipstik matte dan shiny (selain tulisan di packaging) dengan bahan tutup yang berbeda- satunya glossy untuk yang shiny dan dove untuk matte-nya. 
Sebelum kita masuk ke swatch, aku mau nunjukin nih aplikator unik flocker tip lip cream ini. Aplikator ini terhubung langsung ke tube-nya, sangat mempermudah pemakaian dan juga bikin hasilnya lebih rapi. Kita hanya perlu mengeluarkan sedikit lipcream-nya dan langsung di swipe dengan flocker tip ini. Flocker tip ini juga bikin outline lipstik jadi lebih halus dan kelihatan natural!
Sekarang aku bakal kasih liat swatch dari warna lipstik Maybelline Color Jolt ini, mulai dari yang Shiny baru yang Matte, ya.
Udah terbiasa sama lip matte? Well, mungkin kamu harus coba pake lipstik shiny/glossy tahun ini. Nyadar ga sih, kalo lipstik dengan finishing glossy udah mulai populer lagi? Maybelline juga nggak mau ketinggalan dengan Color Jolt Shiny ini. Tersedia dalam berbagai warna yang terbilang bold, tapi shiny-nya juga nggak lebay. Menurutku masih dipakai untuk sehari-hari, sih.

Nah, pas pertama kali aku pake itu agak susah diratain karena dia teksturnya agak lengket gitu. Jujur aja flocker tipnya membantu banget sih buat ngerapiin. Maybelline Color Jolt ini punya scent seger semacam citrus yang enak banget, lho. 
☆Nggak kiss/transfer-proof, tapi ketika dihapus masih tersisa banget shade warnanya di bibir.
☆Poin plusnya, sisa shade di bibir itu tahan lama banget, udah nggak transfer lagi.
☆Susah banget dihapus! Gunakan oil cleanser untuk mempermudah kamu remove, ya. (micellar water nggak ampuh, hahaha)
☆Pilihan warna yang beragam dan bold

Kalau kalian nggak pengen nyobain yang shiny dan tetep #timmatte, tenang. Ada kok finishing mattenya dengan pilihan warna yang nggak kalah cantik. 
Maybelline Color Jolt yang matte punya scent yang sama dengan shiny-nya, tapi teksturnya lebih creamy dan nggak terasa lengket. Pas dipake di bibir juga bisa langsung di-build dengan mudah dan coverage banget. Menurutku ini bagus untuk dipakai sebagai lisptik warna bibir gelap, soalnya bisa menutupi bibir dengan "sempurna".
☆Sama seperti finishing Shiny-nya, yang Matte juga nggak kiss/transfer proof dengan menyisakan sedikit warna di bibir.
☆Tapi, bedanya yang matte bisa dihapus sampe ilang.
☆Terasa lembab, nggak lengket, dan lebih ringan dibanding finishing Shiny di bibir
☆Pilihan warna yang cantik
Overall, aku suka banget warna-warnanya yang bold tapi tetap cocok di kulit wanita Indonesia. Maybelline Color Jolt Matte yang 04 Show Off Nude cocok banget lho untuk yang punya warna kulit sawo matang! (Aku tau soalnya kemaren sempet nyobain ke temen aku.) Menurutku Maybelline Color Jolt Shiny yang 01 Never Bare agak tricky, soalnya di aku terlihat pucet banget dan jadi kaya lagi sakit. Dari segi tekstur, aku lebih suka Maybelline Jolt yang Matte daripada yang Shiny. Tapi kalo kalian pengen nyari lipstik matte yang tahan lama dan murah, aku bakal nyaranin banget untuk cobain produk ini. Nah, buat yang pengen step out of comfort zone, wajib cobain Maybelline Color Jolt yang Shiny! Aku sendiri paling sukaaaa sama yang warna 05 Violet Rebel. It surprisingly suits me really well :)) Setelah transfer/dihapus pun warnanya masih stay di bibir. So, jangan takut lagi ya buat nyobain lipstik shiny.
Ini bedanya Maybellune Color Jolt Shiny dan Matte setelah transfer/ di-swipe. Yang Matte bakal kehapus hampir hilang, sedangkan warna yang Shiny masih stay setelah digosok.
Karna dapet banyak warna banget, aku jadi nyobain buat campur warna shiny dan matte di bibir aku. Warna lipstik yang aku pilih adalah Color Jolt Shiny in 05 Violet Rebel and Color Jolt Matte in 02 Bittersweet Mandarin. What do you think about #MyColorJolt?

Friday, February 9, 2018

#japobsOOTD: Too Late for Christmas

Too Late for Christmas Outfit |
Just like the title, it's already too late for Christmas, right? I didn't actually wear this outfit for Christmas tho, it's just around that time so the decorations were all like Christmas trees, snowman, and stuff. My outfit was just accidentally oh-so-christmas because of the color coordination: red and pink.
Pink Jacket Outfit |
This outfit actually has been lingering in my mind for awhile, I've always wanted to wear mom jeans with beret hat and I finally did it! The pink jacket was a new-in which I bought from an online store- it's pre-ordered from Korea. It's around IDR 200k++, and I saw the similar one at some retail stores for much higher price. So it's a very nice catch! 
One of the kawaii store, Spookiiland sent me this t-shirt and I was so so happy. It's just so me! I wore it as the inner for this outfit, paired it with high-waisted mom jeans, white sneakers, black backpack, and of course, my new red beret hat from one of the local online store :)) I personally love this outfit so much, hahaha. Such a narcissistic person.

I hope this outfit can inspire you, it's casual, fun, and playful so you can wear it to hang out with your besties or having quality time with your family. Psst, it's may be too late for Christmas, but it can also be worn for Chinese New Year or Valentine! What do you think about this outfit? :D
OOTD Pink Jacket too late for Christmas |

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