Big Dreamer by Mei
My name is Meliantha Hendra, but please just call me Mei. I'm currently studying animation at Multimedia Nusantara University and have big passion in fashion and art. I love Japan and Korea so much, as you can see it in my personal style and my drawing style.

Talking about Japan, it's the reason my blog still exists. I started blog as a diary, which I found it boring. I've talked about this million times, my friends already sick of it, lol. I stopped blogging because I didn't feel it fun anymore. One day, I opened my blog and found out I got 1 follower. My first follower ever and top of that she is Japanese. Call me simple minded, but I was so glad that I decided to start blogging again with new 'concept'. Just because she is Japanese, note that.

This is a blog about my personal style, thoughts, artworks, photography, food, travel, anything I love and you might love it too. As I mentioned above, this blog started as a diary. Then, it transformed into Big Dreamer, a place where I share my dreams.

I use Canon EOS 60D with standard lens and 50 mm lens to take photos in this blog, usually edited with Photoshop CS 6 or Photoscape. Artworks usually done by SAI paint tool and Photoshop or Illustrator CS 6.

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