Sunday, October 18, 2020
VIDEO: Nintendo Switch Lite Turquoise + Animal Crossing Unboxing
Just a random wishlist
Hola! I wanted to write this post a few weeks ago but just managed to write it today. Well, this is just a random post, I just want to share what I've been eyeing these days-- just like old days hahaha. Actually I've bought one of my wishlist so yeah it's okay. Still want to write tho :p
First of all, the reason I write this is to just pour my mind because I think about them a lot. It's also can be a reminder and motivation for me to work harder to get them. So let's just get started!
iPad Pro 2020 (and Apple Pencil)
...hahaha ((laugh first)). I actually have an iPad mini, I got it when I won an competition but I don't really can use it to do anything. It only has 16GB storage T.T So, the reason I want an iPad Pro is to draw! I planned to pursuit my dream to be an illustrator again. Idk I'm just bored with my life lately. I've actually wanted an iPad since Procreate came out, but it's not my priority. I still can use Photoshop to draw, and I even have Wacom Cintiq. I know I have to be grateful but what's wrong with dreaming right? I don't either to buy 11" or 12.9" tho....
The price is so expensive for me, that's why I decided I will just buy it later when I can be more and more productive on creating illustration and contents. Or when I can finally grow my Youtube channel until at least 1.000 subscribers haha. Please help me!!! :p SUBS HERE~
Nintendo Switch Lite (Turquoise)
Actually I've bought it. HAHAHA. I wanted to buy it since Animal Crossing: New Horizons release but I managed to hold it. Then, suddenly I came across My Hero Academia game and the urge to buy the console reached its peak again! So I just bought it and planned to make contents out of it. At least I can be more productive and feel less guilty :")
I wanted to buy the normal one but my friend said that it's enough to buy lite version. It's cheaper and has more colors too. I'm sold. I wanted to buy coral pink first, but in the end I prefer Turquoise one. It's so pretty~ I even made pro and cons buying Nintendo Switch then buy it anyway the next day. Huh.
My Hero One's Justice 2 and One Piece: Pirates Warrior 4
Friday, October 9, 2020
Event: Wardah Beauty Fest 2020 // Wardah x Ayang Cempaka Exclusive Matte Lip Cream Launching
Hola! Sejak Corona muncul, kita para blogger/ content creator udah nggak pernah ada event offline lagi, so sad! Untungnya dengan kecanggihan teknologi, kita bisa "bertemu" lagi untuk merayakan 25 tahun Wardah hadir di Indonesia sebagai brand kecantikan yang menghadirkan berbagai produk berkualitas dan harga affordable.
Banyak banget acara di Virtual Event selebrasi 25 Tahun Wardah ini, di antaranya ada virtual bazaar, talk show bersama wanita-wanita hebat di Indonesia, music performance, hingga launching produk baru dan diskon! Nah, event yang aku ikutin itu salah satunya adalah launching produk matte lip cream Wardah yang berkolaborasi dengan illustrator Indonesia, Ayang Cempaka. Alasan aku ingin ikut ini adalah, aku suka banget sama hasil ilustrasi Ayang Cempaka!
Sesuai nama campaignnya, #OnePinkOnHope, kolaborasi Wardah x Ayang Cempaka ini juga menghadirkan Pinky Shades, yaitu 3 warna pink yang tentunya akan cocok di semua skin tone wanita Indonesia. Kenapa Wardah memutuskan untuk berkolaborasi dengan Ayang Cempaka? Jadi, ternyata pihak Wardah dan Ayang Cempaka ini udah ada rencana untuk berkolaborasi sejak tahun 2019 lalu. Kolaborasi ini bisa terjadi karena keduanya punya visi dan misi yang sama dalam menyebarkan pesan positif untuk wanita Indonesia. Ilustrasi Ayang Cempaka berupa wanita dalam berbagai penampilan (menggambarkan keberagaman wanita Indonesia) yang menghiasi packaging dan box Wardah Exclusive Matte Lip Cream ini.
Wardah Exclusive Matte Lip Cream Pinky Shades ini bisa dibeli di Official Store Wardah di Shopee. Produk ini juga tersedia dalam 3 package/ bundling lho. Packaging cantik adalah salah satu alasan untuk beli makeup, kan? Apalagi kalau produknya emang bagus :p
Sekian dulu post kali ini, see you next time!
Semoga Corona segera selesai dan kita bisa menghadiri offline events lagi ya T.T