Thursday, November 29, 2018

Event Report: Welcome to The Sweet World of Holika Holika x Peko

Hola, Dreamers! Brace yourself because this post is a cuteness overload :)) I was invited to the Sweet World of Holika Holika x Peko launching and it's such a cute event. When I arrived at the venue, I felt like wanna scream "so cuteeee", because the decoration was full of Peko- a character of Japanese chocolate produced by Fujiya co.
The first thing I noticed was the "snack" on the table, which turned out to be their special set of makeup. There were also milk boxes which is actually glow cushion and perfect cushion, Peko-chan hand mirror, and candies as decoration.
In case you don't know, Holika Holika is Korean cosmetics brand, found by Enprani Co. Ltd under Samsung and CJ Group since 2010. Holika Holika representatives told us that one of their selling point is their cute packaging, before Peko they also collaborated with Sanrio character, Gudetama. Their products is fun and unique, in my opinion their products is suitable for daily natural makeup. 
This collaboration collection has 8 makeup products, 2 skincare products, and 5 beauty accessories with food and beverages inspired packaging with Peko-chan on it. Their cutest products such as: Peko Hard Cover Cushion in milk box packaging, Peko Peko Bun Puff that shaped like a bread, and Peko Eye Shadow Palette with caramel candy box packaging. 
We did unboxing together (although it's actually too cute to be ripped) and these are products inside the "snack bag": Water Drop Tint Bomb, Melty Jelly Lip Balm, Melty Jelly Blusher, Melty Jelly Luminizer, Eye Shadow Palette, and Peko Hand Cream. (The other two are Hard Cover Cushion, not included).
We got the chance to try all the products inside! I like their Water Drop Tint Bomb, it's unique because you can feel something cold and wet (?) while applying on the lips. The colors are also pretty and give fresh look. My friends and I did Water Drop Tint Bomb and Eye Shadow Palette swatches: 
Eye Shadow Palette swatches (red/ strawberry)
Water Drop Tint Bomb swatches (all colors)
When I realized it, all of the products actually have sweet scent! For example, the red Eye Shadow Palette has strawberry scent while the white one has milky scent. Same thing for the luminizer that has sweet milky scent. Holika Holika x Peko offers two kinds of cushion: Glow Cushion (dewy finish) and Perfect Cushion (matte finish). They also have another products such as bun puff, sheet mask, oil paper etc.
Bun Puff before and after get wet
At the end of the event, we did a fun activity decorating cookies bouquet. Even the activity was so cute! It's so hard for me tbh, just not my thing, lol. Mine was such a mess, I was so impatient to finish it ;p 
We got our own "snack bag" in red/ Sweet Special Set, I was so excited to see what I got inside! After ripped off the packaging, I was near to scream because I got some of my personal favorite products. I got Eye Shadow Palette, Water Drop Tint Bomb, Bun Puff, Jelly Mask Sheet, No Sebum Pact, Melty Jelly Blusher, and Melty Jelly Luminizer
Holika Holika x Peko collaboration is a limited edition collection, which was officially launched on November 15, 2018 and you can get them at Holika Holika offline stores, and exclusively sold at Holika Holika Official Store Tokopedia. Price starts from IDR 32.000 to  IDR 328.000. They have two kinds of special set: Sweet Special Set and Fresh Special Set which you can get start from IDR 200.000 to IDR 800.000, exclusively at Tokopedia. 

Review: Clinelle WhitenUp with Anti-Photoaging Technology

Hola, Dreamers! Di saat aku lagi super nyerah sama kondisi kulit wajah aku yang lagi parah banget, aku akhirnya nemuin skincare yang cocok tanpa bikin wajah breakout! To be honest, udah beberapa minggu aku nggak pake skincare karena mau pake apapun wajahku bukannya makin bener malah makin parah. Kondisi wajahku udah yang kusam, jerawatan terus-terusan, kering, pokoknya pusing deh. Setelah pake skincare dari Clinelle ini, ternyata bukan cuma aku yang 'ngeh' sama hasilnya, tapi juga temen-temen di kantor. Duh, terharu T.T Aku excited banget mau ngenalin produk skincare ini ke kalian, yuk langsung mulai~
Sebelum kita masuk ke pembahasan produknya, kalian mungkin udah tau ya kalo cahaya matahari itu cukup berbahaya untuk kulit kita. Sinar UV bisa menyebabkan kulit kita mengalami pigmentasi, munculnya dark spots, hingga membuat warna kulit nggak merata dan kusam. Eh tapi jangan salah, ternyata sinar UV ini nggak cuma dihasilkan oleh cahaya matahari tapi juga... alat-alat elektronik! Sekarang ini kan kita nggak lepas ya dari gadget, terutama smartphone. Yang kerja kantoran juga nggak bakal bisa jauh-jauh dari komputer. Jadi sadar nggak sadar kita tuh selalu terekspos dengan sinar UV yang bisa merusak kulit. 
Menyadari hal itu, Clinelle menghadirkan seri WhitenUp yang dibekali dengan Advanced Anti-Photoaging Technology yang dapat mencerahkan serta melindungi kulit wajah dari sinar UV sepanjang hari. Oh iya, Clinelle punya konsep 7 Secret to the Happy Skin dengan 7 Nos: Tanpa pewangi buatan, tanpa pewarna buatan, tanpa bahan komedogenik, tanpa minyak mineral, tanpa SD-Alkohol, tanpa Lanolin, dan tanpa Paraben. Bahan utama dari rangkaian Clinelle WhitenUp ini adalah:
- Purple Rice Extract: untuk memaksimalkan kandungan vitamin C dan mencerahkan kulit
- Vitamin C: sebagai antioksidan untuk menghaluskan tekstur kulit wajah, menghambat pembentukan melanin dan menstimulasi pembentukan kolagen
- Daisy Flower Extract: untuk mencegah kulit menggelap dan mengurangi pigmentasi kulit
- Great Mullein Flowers: sebagai bahan tambahan WhitenUp night cream, melindungi kulit dari radikal sinar UV dan mencerahkan kulit dari dalam. 
Rangkaian Clinelle WhitenUp terdiri dari 5 step dengan total 6 produk, yaitu:
Step 1: WhitenUp Cleanser (2x sehari)
Step 2: WhitenUp Toner (2x sehari)
Step 3: WhitenUp Spot Corrector (1x sehari)
Step 4: WhitenUp Serum* (2x sehari)
Step 5: WhitenUp Day Cream SPF 20*/ Night Cream* (masing-masing 1x sehari)
* merupakan hero product dari seri Clinelle WhitenUp
Step 1: Clinelle WhitenUp Brightening Cleanser
Diklaim sebagai pembersih wajah yang nggak bikin kulit kering, dapat mencerahkan kulit, memperbaiki kulit kusam, deep cleansing, dan melegakan kulit. Cara pakainya seperti cleanser pada umumnya, cukup usapkan ke wajah yang sudah dibasahi kemudian bilas hingga bersih.

I can say this is one of my favorite cleanser! Walaupun wanginya agak kenceng, seperti bau obat tapi sehabis dipakai wanginya nggak nempel so it's okay. Setelah cuci muka, kulit terasa bersih tanpa ada rasa kering/ ketarik. Mild, nggak banyak busa tapi aku bisa merasakan kalo cleanser ini bisa bener-bener membersihkan debu dan kotoran, selain itu wajah juga terasa lebih segar. 

Step 2: Clinelle WhitenUp Brightening Toner
Toner ini dapat mencerahkan kulit wajah, mengandung 6 essential oil untuk menyegarkan dan melembabkan kulit, mengecilkan pori-pori dan memperbaiki skin tone, serta bisa membantu mengoptimalkan penyerapan produk yang dipakai setelahnya. 

Oke, ini nggak seperti toner-toner yang selama aku pakai karena berbentuk spray, tapi jadinya lebih praktis untuk digunakan. Tinggal disemprot kemudian di tap-tap dengan tangan, toner ini juga menyerap dengan sangat cepat. Wanginya sama seperti produk lainnya, agak tajam dengan bau obat tapi cukup menenangkan sih sebenarnya, soalnya wanginya nggak stay lama. Saat dipakai juga nggak ada sensasi tingling. 

Step 3: Clinelle WhitenUp Brightening Corrector Spot Essence
Corrector Spot Essence ini cukup dipakai sekali (atau 2x jika parah) di malam hari di spot-spot tertentu, misalnya bekas jerawat atau dark spot. Produk ini dapat mengurangi pigmentasi, mencerahkan dark spot hingga bekas jerawat, serta mencegah warna kulit tidak merata dan mencerahkan kulit. 

Menurutku untuk menghilangkan dark spot atau bekas jerawat membutuhkan waktu yang nggak singkat, jadi bekas jerawatku belum benar-benar hilang tapi sebenarnya terlihat memudar! Ini merupakan hasil yang cukup keliatan, karena sebelumnya pipi kanan aku tuh bener-bener merah dan penuh titik-titik bekas jerawat yang bikin wajah terlihat nggak sehat dan kusam. Ini pun aku masih suka skip pemakaiannya, gimana kalau bener-bener rutin. (I'll try tho)

Step 4: Clinelle WhitenUp Brightening Serum

Merupakan serum yang dapat mempercepat dan mengoptimalkan kerja dari rangkaian WhitenUp ini dengan formulanya yang cepat meresap. Fungsinya adalah membantu proses mencerahkan kulit menjadi lebih efektif. Sama seperti produk-produk lainnya, serum ini juga mencegah pigmentasi kulit, meratakan warna kulit dan mencerahkan kulit kusam, membuat kulit lebih bercahaya, serta dapat mengencangkan kulit. Aplikasikan dengan gerakan ke atas untuk membantu mengencangkan kulit, ya!

Ini adalah salah satu produk favoritku karena dipakenya enak banget, cepat meresap dan nggak lengket. Setelah serum ini pun bisa langsung mengaplikasikan step skincare selanjutnya tanpa terasa "berat". 

Step 5 (1): Clinelle WhitenUp Brigtening Day Cream SPF 20
Pemakaian sunblock penting banget untuk melindungi kulit dari sinar UV sehari-hari, oleh karena itu day cream ini juga dilengkapi dengan SPF 20. Fungsi dari day cream ini adalah untuk melindungi kulit dari matahari, menghindari kulit menjadi lebih gelap, meratakan warna kulit, mengurangi garis halus, mengencangkan kulit, serta menutrisi dan melembabkan kulit wajah. 

Aku cukup sensitif dengan produk yang harus aku pakai di siang hari sebelum melakukan aktivitas, karena aku nggak suka dengan greasy feeling di wajah. Untungnya, day cream Clinelle ini nggak terasa lengket atau greasy di wajah. Saat dipakai nggak meninggalkan white cast, gampang di-blend dan cepat meresap. Teksturnya juga ringan, jadinya wajah nggak "terbebani" apalagi di saat keringetan. Setelah dipakai seharian juga nggak bikin kulit berminyak parah, jadi aku nyaman banget pake day creamnya. 

Step 5 (2): Clinelle WhitenUp Brigtening Night Cream
Brightening Night Cream dari seri WhitenUp ini diklaim sebagai krim malam yang mampu menutrisi kulit dan nggak terasa lengket. Membantu melindungi kulit dari photo-aging, membuat kulit lebih cerah dan terlihat glowing, memperbaiki dan memperbaharui sel kulit di malam hari, serta melembabkan kulit wajah. Night Cream ini penting banget untuk memperbaiki kulit yang terpapar sinar UV seharian (dari matahari maupun gadget) saat kita tidur. 


Di saat kebanyakan night cream yang aku pernah pakai teksurnya thick dan berat di wajah, night cream ini teksurnya light tapi bisa melembabkan dan menutrisi wajah. Aku puas banget lihat wajahku setelah bangun tidur saat menggunakan produk ini. Akhirnya setelah sekian lama aku bisa kembali melihat wajahku yang sehat dan cerah T.T

Foto di atas aku ambil setelah kira-kira 2 minggu pemakaian (kadang masih skip night cream karena ketiduran, my bad). Bekas jerawat belum hilang sepenuhnya tapi udah memudar banyak dibandingkan sebelum pemakaian. Sayangnya, aku lupa foto sebelum nyobain produknya saking excitednya T.T
Overall, aku sangat puas dengan hasil pemakaian Clinelle WhitenUp ini. Walaupun baru dipakai sekitar 2mingguan, aku udah bisa melihat perubahan yang signifikan dari kondisi awal kulitku hingga setelah pemakaian. Hal ini nggak cuma disadari oleh aku, tapi temen-temenku juga takjub dengan hasilnya. Padahal kita juga yang selalu ketemu di kantor, berarti hasilnya wow banget kan, hahaha. Padahal aku susaaah banget nemu skincare yang cocok tanpa masalah seperti ini T.T Yang jelas ini sekarang merupakan skincare routineku! 

Friday, November 23, 2018

How to Look Stylish with Affordable Clothes //Cara Tetap Stylish dengan Budget Minim

Hola, Dreamers! Kali ini aku pengen ngebahas sesuatu yang mungkin menjadi concern banyak orang, terutama bagi yang suka banget sama fashion. Jadi, sebenarnya masih banyak orang yang menganggap fashion itu mahal dan butuh modal gede. Nah kali ini aku akan buktiin kalau stigma itu tidak bener! First things first, aku bukan termasuk golongan yang membutuhkan modal gede untuk menjadi selalu tampil stylish. Namun, memang aku udah suka banget sama fashion dari dulu. Ada yang memang menganggap baju sebagai sekedar baju saja, yang memang digunakan hanya untuk menutupi tubuh. Tapi bagi sebagian besar orang, baju itu penting banget untuk menunjang penampilan and I'm definitely one of them. Sebagai orang yang mengklaim diri sebagai fashion blogger, tentunya aku harus share baju-baju yang aku pakai (you can check out #japobsOOTD, lol). Awalnya aku sempet down dan terus bertanya-tanya: Haruskah aku berhenti aja karena modalku nggak sebanyak itu buat beli baru terus-terusan? Tetapi aku mikir lagi, kenapa harus punya modal dulu baru bisa tampil stylish? Justru dengan keterbatasan itu harusnya aku bisa jadi lebih kreatif dalam mix and match baju plus pinter-pinter nyari affordable clothes yang ga kalah oke dari brand mahal. So, kali ini aku pengen ngasih tau beberapa tips how to look stylish with affordable clothes di posting-an ini.

| 1. Cari Online Shop Murah  
Denim overall dan stripes top ini belinya di Shopee!
Akhir-akhir ini aku lebih suka belanja online dari rumah karena memang aku suka mager dan juga karena baju-baju yang dijual di mall (dari berbagai fast fashion brands) itu harganya mulai nggak masuk akal buat aku. Dengan budget yang sama, misalnya 300.000, aku cuma bisa dapet 1 atasan di mall, sedangkan di online shop tertentu aku bisa dapet 2. Di sini juga kita harus rajin nyari promo dan diskonan ;p. Nah, dengan sudah adanya banyak e-commerce marketplace kenamaan di Indonesia, semua kegiatan belanja dapat dilakukan dengan lebih gampang. Shopee adalah salah satu yang paling sering aku gunakan lho! Selain karena mereka sering ngadain promo gila-gilaan, mereka juga menawarkan free ongkir. Walaupun kesannya sedikit, tapi free ongkir itu berarti banget buat kita-kita yang seneng belanja online, lol. Alasan lainnya, aku kan suka banget beli baju yang stylenya Korea/Jepang gitu, dan di Shopee ini tuh banyak banget online shop yang buka PO dari luar yang harga barang dan ongkirnya jauh lebih murah dibanding aku beli di Instagram (ini tips juga, lho hehe).

| 2. Thrifting/ Preloved Hunting  
Untuk para pecinta fashion dengan budget minim (well, ga cuma yang budget minim aja sih), thrifting ini adalah salah satu kunci untuk memenuhi kebutuhan fashion kalian. Kita bisa dapetin fashion items yang kece dan nggak pasaran dengan harga super miring. Banyak dari baju-baju "bekas" ini kondisinya masih bagus banget seperti baru. Ada banyak tempat yang menjual preloved items seperti Pasar Senen atau Pasar Baru, hingga tempat yang lebih bagus misalnya ITC Kuningan/ Mangga Dua. Kalau kalian mageran anaknya, sekarang apa sih yang nggak tersedia secara online? Banyak kok, orang-orang yang menjual preloved items-nya secara online. Preloved items terakhir yang aku beli adalah 90s windbreaker ini, yang ngedapetinnya drama banget hahaha. Tapi aku super puas karena dengan harga 100 ribuan aku bisa dapet jaket super keren yang kalo kalian liat di mall harganya bisa hampir sejuta. Aku juga pernah beli oversized denim shirt seharga 40 ribu, padahal pas aku liat di mall harganya sekitar 600 ribuan.

| 3. Mix and Match Game  
Last but not least, ini adalah cara paling murah sih sebenernya! Because all you need to do adalah rajin browsing inspirasi mix and match atau ngeliatin fashion influencers/ bloggers di lookbook, blog, atau Instagram mereka. Nggak ada aturan pasti untuk cara pakai baju di dunia fashion, jadi feel free untuk menjadi sekreatif mungkin dalam memadupadankan baju-baju lama kalian. Untuk poin ini kita juga harus berani untuk explore dan bereksperimen. Biasanya sih aku akan mencari inspirasi dari berbagai website streetstyle atau Pinterest ;).
That's all from me! Kalau kalian juga punya tips supaya bisa tetap stylish walau budget kalian minimum, feel free to tell me on the comment box below, ya! I hope this post can help you! ;)

Saturday, November 17, 2018

#japobsOOTD: My Effortless Looks (or just Lazy?)

Hola, Dreamers! I actually have posted these outfits on my instagram: @japobs. Do follow if you haven't 😉 I think I'm kinda weird, I love fashion and love mix and match clothes, but I always wear something so effortless/ lazy. To be honest, it's so hot in Jakarta so I just want to wear comfy clothes like t-shirt with pants all the time. On another note, I usually use public transportation, that's why. So when I'm in the mood for it, I will wear something simple yet stylish either I forced myself to wear it from home or change it later at the office/ event venue (oh, effort). Here are some of them:

Wear this outfit to Holika Holika x Peko-chan launching event 2 days ago. It's a very simple outfit actually, but I gave a little touch of red beret hat to the look. My friend gave me this top/ dress, it's too long for top and too short for a dress, so I decided to wear it with this denim jeans from Someday. I love the look, tbh. 

My mom bought me this cute t-shirt from Bangkok, I paired it with my new black pants from This is April. Simple, comfortable, but still look cute. Agree? haha! 

One of my blogger friend asked me to go with her to an event (not actually an event but yeah, similar) and the dress code was black. I wanted to sell this top but maybe later, I need it for this event, lol. 

Had some contents to post on Instagram, so I wore this to the photoshoot. My bf said this look is weird T.T I really love the mustard stripe top that I got from bobobobo (it's the last stock on display)! Oh, can you spot my Donald Duck socks? Bought it at Myeong-dong and loveeee it 💖

Another cute and comfy t-shirt from Bangkok (this one is purchased from my friend), which really made me decided to visit Bangkok a.s.a.p to go shopping! This was also an outfit that I wore to event, quite long time ago, but it's really effortless and still look good. All you need is a cute t-shirt ;)

Those are some outfits I posted on my instagram, please follow if you like it :)) Most of the days my outfits just not worth to share, hahaha. I really want to try challenge myself to wear proper outfit for at least week but it's so hard. I chose to sleep longer and just go to the office lookin' lancai. Will update if I can do that tho. Wish me luck! :p Last but not least, which one is your favorite look?

Monday, November 12, 2018

Things to Do in Seoul (Summer Trip)

Things to Do in Seoul Blog |
Oh, hi! So..... after postponing it for so long, I finally sit down writing this post. It's about the things to do in Seoul, South Korea especially on your first trip/ summer trip to be exact. We went there from 12 July to 23 July, it's Summer but we didn't expect it'd be so hooottt! We even experienced the heat wave, lol. If you're living in Jakarta and always complaining about how hot it is, trust me it's still cooler than the summer in Korea! Still, every season has its own plus and minus point. Going there in summer is the best for fashion shopping (especially if you live in tropical country like Indonesia), but it's so annoying to stroll around in that heat. You'll be drenched in sweat and too lazy to take any photos although the place you're visiting is so pretty (haha!). If you still want to enjoy the summer, you can choose end of June/ early July but beware of the monsoon rain :)) So, here are some things to do in Seoul (from my own experience). Let's start the tour!
Things to Do in Seoul Hongdae |
Hongdae is youthful area of Seoul, known for its street performance, cute/unique cafes, underground culture, live cafes and clubs, anything that made it become the favorite hangout place for local youth/ tourists. You can find almost everything here from Olive Young (a must visit), SPAO, Line Friends/BT21, Kakao Friends, Folder (shoes store), Fila, Stylenanda, Chuu, you name it! Its unique attraction is street performance of indie bands/ dancers, my friend said it's usually on weekend night. I didn't see them tho, just not my thing and the itinerary didn't match. 

Things to Do in Seoul Kakao Friends |
This was my first destination in Seoul, because it's located near our guest house. I love Kakao Friends character more than Line Friends, fyi. The store in Hongdae is the largest and super cute, you definitely want to take on or two photos here (there provide photo zone with its characters). The price is also pretty affordable for its quality and cute designs. If you're taking subway, get off at Hongik Univ. Station exit 8 (line 2). 

Things to Do in Seoul Myeongdong |
Myeong-dong is tourist's mandatory area, isn't it? Even the shopkeepers here can speak several languages like english and chinese- which helped me a lot because I can't speak Korean. Even I say "beauty shopping" you actually can find almost everything here from beauty products, fashion stuff, stationary, Kpop albums, even street food. It's always packed with locals and tourists. It's definitely beauty paradise tho, you can find brand A-Z here; in more than one store! Because it's tourist area, they also offer some special promo ;)
In Myeong-dong, there is also Line Friends/ BT21 store with the giant Brown and a huge Artbox. Make sure to visit these both stores if you need some cuteness dose, they are located close to one another. Last but not least, try Korean street food (even the price might be higher than other less popular area)!

Things to Do in Seoul Music Bank |
Who's Kpopers here? Put your hands up! I WAS a huge Kpoper but now, not really. Ayu and her friends were going to Music Bank to "catch" Seventeen and I was just tagging along because I wanted to see how it was. On another note, Mamamoo was also having comeback so I wanted to see them (although I didn't in the end). And yes, you can legit see them very closely at the Music Bank/ KBS entrance. All you need to do is come early in the morning (like 4.30 or 5 AM) and queuing with another fans. Beware of them tho, they can be quite scary sometimes, especially those who take photos for fansite/ for sale. I got there by taxi, but if you want to take subway, you can get off at National Assembly station.

Dongdaemun Design Plaza usually hold various shows like fashion week, exhibitions, forums, conferences, etc. If you're fashion enthusiasts and love to see Seoul Fashion Week, you must know this place. I didn't explore much about this landmark, but it's huge. In my opinion, there are not much to explore except you're visiting the exhibitions or any events here.
OOTD at Dongdaemun Design Plaza Seoul |
I don't know if it's only on summer or all year along, but they provide some chilling bench (?) to chill or rest from the heat. Oh, don't forget to take OOTD photos like those streetstyler or models ;)
Ewha University is Korea's first educational institute for women- which also became a favorite destination for tourists. Besides, its area is also one of the popular shopping districts in Seoul. I think because it's women university, the area is filled with pretty stores selling affordable and stylish fashion/ accessories, shoes shops, some cute cafes and restaurants, even hair salons.
The clothes here are very very affordable and stylish, although there are some stores which sell clothes in higher price. My favorite is Star 101 and Nana in the alleyways. Star 101 is located at the same building with Line Store.

If you're aiming for traditional Korea, then here is the answer: Gyeongbokgung Palace and Bukchon Hanok Village. Gyeongbokgung Palace is arguably the most beautiful palace and remains the largest of all five palaces in Korea. Opening hours is differ depends on the season. To get inside the palace you need to pay some fee, but I was just seeing around so it's free.
Tips: Enjoy the guard change ceremony at the front gate. It's free.
Bukchon Hanok Village is actually a pretty place to explore but it's a shame that I didn't get to explore because Ayu wanted to go to SBS. On another note, it's super hot so I decided to just stop exploring. I'd just come back next time on cooler season, I thought. Because it's Seoul "traditional area", the stores name here are all in Hangul + some of then has pretty traditional exterior/interior designs. It's tourist friendly here, you can find some tourist helpers here, they will give you maps and tell you where to go.

To be honest, I'm not a big fan of Line Friends nor BT21, but I still visited it because of its cute interior design T.T Line Friends/BT21 Stores are located in many area in Seoul, I visited the Hongdae, Ewha, and Myeong-dong branch (Myeong-dong one is cuter). Don't forget to take photos with the huge Brown in front of the store. FYI, you even need to queue to get photos with him. If I can suggest, you can visit the less crowded store... or I can say just avoid the one in Myeong-dong.

Your trip won't complete without some Korean snacks, right? We visited Lotte Mart at Seoul Station on the last day + already broke. Thankfully I could use my credit card to pay, lol. The unique thing about Lotte Mart in Korea is they're providing tester for most of the products there. You can go around testing their products freely, it's okay too if you don't buy it. I even tried makgoli I was so happy :)) Here are some of my recommendation snacks:

Often come out in movies or K-drama, you definitely want to at least spend your time here! Out of all places I've visited in Seoul, I can say Hangang is my most favorite. It's such a bucket list ticked. We rented the bicycle for 2 hours and rode along the river. Seriously, cycling in that heat? We must be crazy but it's really enjoyable and gave me a great memory. Next, while enjoying the sunset, we ordered chicken and bought some soft drink and (peach) beer. I just love chimaek, a lot. There were so many locals enjoying their day here with their friends, lover, or family. It's such a great place, I wished we had one in Jakarta :")

Not a mandatory but this one can give you a great experience. The one I visited was Ice Cream exhibition, it's quite expensive but you can get special deal too. You need some effort to look for the exhibition, but it'll be worth it. Usually there're more locals than tourists in this kind of activity.

I almost didn't make it to Namsan Seoul Tower, but in the end I dragged myself there alone the night before we went back to Indonesia. After some drama (I almost cried and called my friend because I was lost, hahaha!), I finally reached there pretty late. It'll be perfect to enjoy Seoul scenery from above, but for better photos you might prefer to visit it before dark. For me, this kind of place has its own charms both day and night. It's nice to see the Seoul city lights tho. 
Tips: get there on the day you visit Myeong-dong. You can simply ride the Namsan Circular Shuttle Bus number 05 from Myeong-dong Station. 
Okay, those are some things to do in Seoul from my experience. Leave some comment if you have another suggestions, I'd love to know (who knows I'll visit again). Hope you enjoy this post and find it useful. Jaa, see you on next posts~

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