Shu Uemura just launched the new perfect red shade for every Asian women, RD163. This is their latest red shade (RD is the code for red), a perfect mixture of yellow and blue tone, that's why it suits our skin tone perfectly. I was invited to their launching event and it was fun, filled with nice snacks and fun games. Before entering the venue, this car full of RD163 stickers caught our attention. How could you not taking pics here?
Now let's talk more about the product. RD163 is their special shades for Rouge Unlimited Lipstick collection, it's just one of their 11 newly launched lipsticks. They have total of 122 shades for Rouge Unlimited- including pink, orange, nude, and "crazy" color such as white, yellow, purple. Wow.
Shu Uemura RD163 is available in 3 finishing: Matte, Satin, and Lacquer Shine. We could try this product with the help of their beauty advisors, I tried the Satin finishing and it looks good on me (but pretty fierce, haha). Unfortunately, it's gone after I ate some food. Not transfer-proof. The color itself is pretty tho.
I said the event was fun, we were offered various interactive activities like pouch painting, smart TV quiz, throwing game, and trying out their products. I got lucky when I played their neon rings thingy game. Basically I needed to throw the rings to 3 points to get the gift, and I did it. Got myself a Murakami edition lipstick :")) Last but not least, I also tried the pouch painting with my friend, Sefin. Now I have another new pouch to bring my stuff :))
GOOD NEWS! Now you can purchase Shu Uemura products at Sociolla 💖